Woodpeckers 01.11.21
Date: 31st Oct 2021 @ 3:04pm
Hello Woodpeckers!
We hope you had a lovely half term and didn't get too spooked with Halloween.
This half term, we will be learning about forces and magnets, pneumatic toys, Remembrance, emotions & friendships, toys and numbers in french. Please look out for our Curriculum map on the website which will give you more detail.
There will not be anymore Forest School for this half term so please wear uniform as usual unless it's PE.
Homework will be posted here on this blog on Friday, so please check this at the end of the week.
Have a good first week back!
Homework (due in due in next Friday 12th)
Reading- Read 5 times and remember to write it in your planner. Reading goes from Thursday to Thursday which gives you a full week to do your 5 reads. It would really help us if you could write any Friday/Sat/Sun reads in the following week which will help us to count these-thanks.
Spellings - These have have been stuck in homework books for most children. However, I have made some copying mistakes today so some children will not have spellings in their book but don't worry, i will make sure these are in books on Monday.
The children completed their common exception words today. Once we have marked these, I will send them home so you can see which words your child needs to practise. Please keep practising these at home and there will be another check at the end of term. You can also practise the column common exception words which Mrs Collins gives out-this all helps.
Number challenge - please practise as usual for challenge on Friday.
Science - log on to Curricuulum Visions and search for 'The Magic of Magnets'. Please complete the Bookworm challengewhich is on the first page. There are 5 questions and you can write your answers in your homework book.
Finally, I have really enjoyed working with Woodpeckers and Mrs Collins this term and will miss teaching the children, they are a pleasure to teach! Thank you for your support as parents and I know I will still have contact with some of you who have younger siblings. Best wishes-Miss Cross