Woodpeckers 02.12.24

Date: 28th Nov 2024 @ 12:50pm

Ho Ho Ho Woodpeckers, we now have 3 weeks left until Christmas!

This week, our learning behaviour is 'Don't give up' and our value is, 'Compassion'. 

Our words of the week are: 'associate '  and 'connect'

Here are some reminders for this week - 

Ms Jordan is our teacher Monday - Wednesday and Miss Cross is our teacher Thursday  - Friday.


Monday - PE kits to be worn. Please ensure you wear the correct PE kit - look on the website if you're unsure. (PE will be with Ben who is our coach).  

Tuesday - PE kits to be worn. Please ensure you wear the correct PE kit - look on the website if you're unsure. (PE will be with Ben who is our coach).  

Wednesday - 

Thursday - Christmas cake club 3.15-4.15pm  

Friday - Homework due in. 
Please make sure children are wearing correct uniform; including socks and it is labelled.
Daily belongings needed in school: water bottle, planners, book bag, coat and a smile!
We have just spent £200 of our class money on new books and our book area looks amazing, children are keen to read which is fantastic!  Please ensure books are kept in pouches and looked after for everyone to enjoy-thank you.
Reading Giants - Read at least 5 times each week and record it in the planner. Please note - the planner needs to be in school on Friday as past reads will not be recorded on our chart (except holidays).
Spellings - Spelling sheet in homework book.
Times Tables - Log on to TT Rock Stars, Ms jordan has set up a competition. Log in details are in the front of your planners.  
Writing - In your homework book, write  1 complex (middle) sentence, 1 subordinating complex sentence and 1 verb complex sentence.
A verb complex sentence  has 2 clauses separated by a comma. 1 clause will be a main clause and the other clause will be a subordinating clause. The first part of the sentence will be the subordinate clause(it does not make sense on its own) whilst the second part is the main clause (it does make sense on its own).
Rubbing his stomach, (subordinate clause starting with a verb) the man licked his lips.(main clause)
Rubbing his stomach, the man licked his lips.
A complex sentence is a simple sentence w, the man licked his lips.ith an extra piece of information (relative clause) which relates to the noun or subject and before the main verb. We use commas to separate the clause. 
The man started to explode!  is a simple sentence.          The man , who gritted his teeth, started to explode!  Who gritted his teeth, is the relative clause.
A subordinating complex sentence has 2 clauses and starts with a subordinating conjunction.
As he rubbed his stomach, the man licked his lips.   'As' is a subordinating conjunction.    'he rubbed his stomach' is the subordinate clause. 'the man licked his lips' is the main clause.
Use the previously given emotion sheets  stuck in your homework book to help you. Remember a comma to separate the clauses.
Practise writing your letters starting on the high monkey branch or the low monkey branch.  Remember, try not to use incoming flicks and try not to join, just think about where each letter starts and print.  A sheet has been stuck in your book for you.  If you want to find out more about the sentences, watch the video on our website. Click on Curriculum- How parents can support the curriculum-Parent videos.
If you would like to do extra homework, please log on to Curriculum Visions and find out more about the Bronze Age and Electricity.
Have a good week!  
Miss Cross and Mrs Jordan

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.