Woodpeckers 11.10.21

Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 4:38pm

Hello Woodpeckers!

This week, we are going to be ordering and comparing 3 and 4 digit numbers.  In writing, we will be finishing our independent poems and beginning a new poem unit continuing the theme of autumn.

In History, we will retrieve all of the learning and knowledge from last week about Lowestoft and the River Orwell.  See if you can tell your grown ups about what you learned - the more you retrieve your knowledge, the more you will remember!  In geography, we will continue to look at population data and why different places in Suffolk declined in population and some grew.

This week and next week there will be no Forest School and we will be focusing on art.  Do you remember the 3 famous Suffolk artists we are learning about?

Next week our learning behaviour is Improve and your vocabulary focus words are: interpret  and   respond.  Please can adults  use these as many times as possible in conversations.

Remember to check last week's blog for homework which was posted on there on Friday. This is due Friday this week.


Have a good week!

Homework Due in by next Thursday (21st)

Reading - read at least 5 times and write this in your planner.

Spellings - Practise the common exception words, I have put a copy of the words you are working on in your homework book.  This will be homework for the next 2 weeks and Miss Cross will test you again after half term to see how many you have improved on. We will be working on these all year so please don't think you need to get them all correct in the next 2 weeks! If you do get them correct, I will move you up to the next set of words. If you are not on the set of words for your year group then it will be very important to learn these so you can then learn your year group words.

Homework for half term will be on next week's blog so remember to look out for this.

Number challenge-test  next Wednesday

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.