Woodpeckers 20.05.24
Date: 16th May 2024 @ 10:10am
Welcome to a new week of learning and the last week before half term!
Our learning behaviour this week is 'Improve'.
Our words for the week are 'excrete' (to get rid of waste material) and 'essential' (absolutely necessary)
Our Value this half term is 'Friendship'.
Monday: PE with our coach today so please come in PE uniform. Please make sure you are wearing the correct clothes for PE as outlined on the website under the Parent tab-uniform. PE After school club
Tuesday: Coding and Lego club after school
Wednesday: PE with Mrs Windmill is today - please wear your PE kits
Thursday: There is no PE today, so come to school in your uniforms
Friday: Medication will be sent home, adults please check your child has any medication kept in school.
Homework -
Using the picture in your homework books as inspiration, write a paragraph about it. This could be a description of the picture, a story based around a scroll, or you could write what you think is written on the scroll. Use your imaginations!
The Times Tables Test is coming up soon for Year 4s. This will be after the half-term holiday. Keep practising!
Log in and play TT Rock Stars! With the children we have now launched a weekly reward for the person who uses it the most over the week. Year 4 you need to practise as you have the Times Table Test coming up soon. Keep practising the multiplication check on www.timestables.co.uk too!
You will find the logins for Times Table Rock Stars and Spelling Shed in your planners. Please do log in to these websites to practise your spellings and times tables.
Reading Giants
Please read at least 5 times and note them in your Planners. Remember, this can be reading your school reading book, reading your own books, reading a magazine/comic, listening to a story read by a grown-up, listening to a story on a device (such as a Tonie box), watching a story online/on TV (eg CBeebies Bedtime story). We are promoting a love of reading, so read what you enjoy - just remember to write it in your Planner and ask your grown-up to sign it each week. Mrs Shand will check the planners each Friday and will give you a sticker on our Reading Giants chart if you have had at least 5 reading sessions! Remember - we are working as a team to collect the most reads so if you don't read at home, your year team won't have a chance at winning the most reads across the school.
Spellings -
Year 3 - Words ending with -gue and -que
Year 4 - Words containing 'sol' and 'real'
Please, please, please - if you can help for a short time slot ( 1 hr, 45 mins) at the summer fete on Sunday 23rd June at the village hall, it would be much appreciated. The PTA are a few parents who give up their time to raise money for school. In Woodpeckers, we have had a new whiteboard screen which cost £1600 paid for by the PTA. The PTA also contributed £10 per child to our recent class trip to the art gallery, saving parents money. Woodpeckers children and families have directly benefitted from the PTA so please help if you can for an hour and 45 mins at the fete. Please contact Heidi or the office. Amy, Hannah and Helen (KS1 parents) are also usually around at the end of the day.
Any questions, we're always on the playground at the end of the day- please speak to us.
Mrs Jordan and Miss Cross