Woodpeckers 24.06.24

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 3:06pm

Hello Woodpeckers, 

We hope you have had a good weekend.  

Here are some reminders for the week.  

Our learning behaviour of the week is, ' Have a Go on Your Own' and our value is, 'Respect'. Our words for this week are 'apply' and 'pollination'

The children have been designers and have found a solution to stopping a tea towel slipping off the hook.  They have sewn a hook and button on and will be available for children and parents to buy at the end of each day (except Tuesday) for £2.50.  Also, as artists, they have painted a picture and signed it just like an artist! These are framed and will also be on sale for £2.50 at the end of each day (except Tuesday).  


Monday - PE kits to be worn. Please ensure you wear the correct PE kit - look on the website if unsure. Tea towels and artist paintings on sale at 3.15pm in the hall.

Tuesday - Sports Day today - please see recent emails/newsletters for more information 

Wednesday - Class Swap morning - Year 4s, you will join Foxes fom 9-10.30 today; Year 3s stay in Woodpeckers where we will welcome the Year 2s for the session. Tea towels and artist paintings on sale at 3.15pm in the hall.

Thursday - PE kits to be worn. Please ensure you wear the correct PE kit - look on the website if unsure.Tea towels and artist paintings on sale at 3.15pm in the hall.

Friday - Homework to be handed in on Friday 28th June.Tea towels and artist paintings on sale at 3.15pm in the outside classroom.
Your homework this week is complete the sheet about hundredths as fractions.  
Writing homework - write a sentence for each of the following words using the correct spelling: there, their, where, were (common mistakes we continue to see in writing).
Year 3 you have words ending with 'sion' Please match the words to their definitions
Year 4 you have words with irregular spelling patterns. Please match the word to their definitions.

We will look forward to seeing you Monday. 

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.