Woodpeckers 27.09.21
Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 5:47pm
Welcome to a new week of learning.
In English, we are going to write our own poems about autumn and then write our own poems about another season or event.
In history we will be learning about Lowestoft and what was significant about this area 150 years ago.
In geography, we will be looking at population data and discussing patterns over the last 150 years in Suffolk.
In maths we continue to learn about the place vlue of 3 digit and 4 digit numbers.
In PHSE, we will be exploring democracy and rules.
Forest School will be on Thursday as usual so please come in old clothes/long bottoms.
We have not had many home school agreements returned so plese do this if you haven't otherwise we will be hunting you down on the playground!
Have a good week!
Homework due in next week (Friday 8th October)
Spellings - please look in homework books
Number challenge - please continue to practise as the children will have their test next Friday. If your child has got their challenge correct three times, they will move to another challenge. Please check in their planner for any new challenges and I'm sure they will tell you!
Reading - It is whole school policy that the children read at least 5 times in a week. Please ensure you log this in planners as we check these every Friday. Any children who are not reading will need to complete this during their break times.
Watch the following short videos to help you with your science in school this week: