Woodpeckers Friday 3rd July
Date: 2nd Jul 2020 @ 2:35pm
Good morning Woodpeckers
We hope you had a lovely week and had fun learning about ‘music’. In the Blue Superhero group, we really enjoyed dance mat typing and completing one of Foxes activities which was making a mask for a carnival.
Today’s learning:
Maths - finish the PowerPoint you started yesterday and complete the reasoning sheet about line graphs.
Writing - complete Talk 4 Writing- pages 21-22. Publish your story and create a 6-page book.
Read for pleasure.
Spellings - Unscramble these musical words:
empot, demloy, epslu, narhmoy & rrecsttuu.
Can you now find out the definition of them? Then try to write some of them in sentences.
Topic - DT - Try creating you own musical instrument. Plan your design first, source materials from around the house thinking about using clean recyclable material where possible. Write the steps to make the product and then evaluate it afterwards.
OR You could also investigate how the level of water in a glass changes the sound when you tap it – remember to ask an adult for help with this one and to be very gentle/careful!
Have a great day and if you need anything today please get in touch on our weekly discussion page.
Have a lovely weekend and take care,
Mrs North