Woodpeckers Learning 18.02.22
Date: 18th Feb 2022 @ 8:36am
Good Morning Woodpeckers!
9am -Log on to the Teams link for Registration and to find out about your learning today-Miss Cross
Morning Woodpeckers
Here is a timetable of the learning we will be doing today I will link up with you at 9am
on teams to explain everything and you can ask questions if you are not sure.
If you need to contact Mrs Mann today [email protected]
9am – Get together on Team to discuss the activities and the day
9:30 – Times Tables – we would normally do a times tables test this morning so here is
an activity you can try at home to practice your times tables:
If you follow the link you can fill out times tables square and it will make it for you. If
you can’t access the site you can write a blank times table square on paper.
Then you put the answer in the box. So, the box highlighted yellow box need the answer
to 1x1, so you fill in the answer 1.
9:45 – Spellings - In your spelling book have a look have a look at your spellings. If you
have someone to help you get them to read out the words and write the spelling in the
back of your book (like we do in class). If you don’t have anyone to help you just look at
the word, cover and write.
10:00 – Maths – In maths you have just finished statistics. Next term we will be
starting multiplication and division. Have a look at the lessons on Oak Academy:
Recalling the 3 times table (thenational.academy)
Multiplication and Division (thenational.academy)
11:45 – Log in to share Learning
12:00 -13:00 Lunch
13:00 – Handwriting - Have a go at writing the letter l joined up - see file below
13:30 – Drama - In this lesson, we will look at a Mayan creation myth, which tells us how the world came into being and how man was made. We will also create our own new worlds and entice others to come and live in them with us.
The beginning of the world (thenational.academy)
14:45 We will share our learning