Woodpeckers Weekly Blog wb 14.09.20
Date: 14th Sep 2020 @ 12:22pm
Welcome to Week 2 Woodpeckers.
A great full week back last week and lovely to see all the children using their super positive learning behaviours.
All children should now have their reading books- we will be continuing the reading assessments this week to make sure all children have the correct level book so please bare with us as we finish those.
The spelling shed has now been updated so each child should have their assigned spellings for the week.
Please see below the homework for this week:
Monday Homework:
Year 3 page 7 on Adverbs. Year 4 pages 12 and 13 on clauses.
Tuesdays Honework:
Year 3 page 8 on types of sentences. Year 4 page 14 on phrases.
Wednesdays Homework:
Year 3 page 9 on staying in the same tense. Year 4 page 15 on Noun Phrases.
Thursdays Homework:
Year 3 Page 10 on Using and, but and or. Year 4 pages 16 and 17 on Mixed Sentence Practice.
Fridays Homework:
Year 3 page 11 on Using when, if, that and because. Year 4 page 18 Statements and Questions.