Bentley Weekly Update 17.1.2025
Important Information to ShareCoffee and Chat - Friday 7th February 2.15pm (note early start time)
Mrs Robinson is inviting parents in to school to discuss spellings in school, how to support your child, how we teach spellings and the strategies used in school. Please let us know if you are attending this important event. Gas issue at Beaumont Primary Update There will be a meeting on next week between Beaumont Primary and their gas gontractor. Hopefully they'll be able to provide an update on the situation and how we can all move forward. As far as we are aware, we will be returning to the usual menu next week. Mid year reports and shared learning As we approach half term, teachers will be writing a mid-year report to share updates on your child's progress. These will be sent out electronically straight after half term. This will allow you to read your child's report before joining us for shared learning on Friday 28th February to share books with your child. This will be instead of family assembly at 2.45pm. If you have more than one child, please feel free to join is from 2.30 to allow enough time for you to chat to your children. Finance & managing money As KS2 are learning about finance and managing money they might come home and ask you if they have a savings account. This might be a good opportunity to have a conversation with your child about this. Star of the Week Don't forget if you receive a notification via the website that your child is 'Star of the Week', they will be being presented with a certificate in our family sharing assembly. Please do not tell them, they are unlikely to be aware. The notification is to give you the opportunity to see them receive their certificate if you are able.
Governor Visit Day We have an exciting day planned in a couple of weeks when our governors will have the opportunity to spend some time in the classroom and get a taste of what goes on during the school day.
There has been lots going on behind the scenes in school in recent months as we prepare to migrate to some new systems. As previously advised, we will be moving to a new management information system. This was meant to happen before Christmas, however, has been postponed until Easter. At that point we are hopeful that parents will be able to access the system themselves to keep their records up to date. Until such time, please let us know if you have a change in phone number (especially if no longer using a landline), email, address, doctor etc. It is important that our data is up to date. This week we have been moving over to a new Finance package and hope to be fully functional on that in the next couple of weeks. |
REMINDERS!!!! As it's been a very slow news week, it's a good opportunity to remind you to keep an eye on the Local Club & Events secion of the website where we share information from 3rd parties rather than sending them directly to you during the week. These are updated on a weekly basis. It can include information about travel disruptions, holiday clubs, parent courses, useful information, even opportunities and competitions.
Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful! Wolves: inspire & mischief Hedgehogs: gravity & force Adders: deteriorated & sanctuary |
Mondays - swimming
Tuesdays - Activity After School Club
Tuesday 28th January - Adders Basketball tounament (To be confirmed)
W/c 3rd February - children's mental health week
Wednesday 5th February - 2.30pm, coffee and chat for parents as part of mental health week
Friday 7th February - 2.15pm coffee and chat for parents on the topic of spellings
Fridays - Family Assembly
Friday 14th February - end of term
Learners of the week " " Wolves: Luka & Harrison Hedgehogs: Tom & Austin Adders: Ace & Erin The School Value this term is.Perseverance. See the link for ideas you could discuss at home. Perseverance Well done to Austin and Sophia for demonstating this value in action.
Reading Giants This is our weekly Reading Challenge! Last week was: Adders