Bentley Weekly Update 10.01.2025


Important Information to Share

Please ensure that all inhalers are checked and sent in to school daily.  Please complete the form attached if you have not already done so.
After School Club
Activiity Club will resume on Tuesday 14th January for 5 weeks at £2.00 per week = £10.00.  Please let the office know if your child would like to resume this club and pay online before Tuesday.
Swimming Lessons
Swimming resumes on Monday 13th January for Year 3 & 4 children
A couple of reminders as we start the new term.  The gates open at 8:35am, registration takes place at 8:45am. Please ensure children are in correct uniform, including shoes, with all of the equipment they require including a water bottle. Please ensure that they bring a coat each day, and please name everything! 
For those children in KS2 who pay for their meals, please try not to fall into arrears.  Payment can be made in cash in a named envelope to the office, or via the website. 
Please also pay for morning club each week as used. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding. 
Please do keep an eye on the weekly newsletter to keep you up to date on events and how to stay involved with school life.
School lunches
As per our email sent this week the gas at Beaumont Primary has been a recurring issue for quite some time, especially in cold weather.  We are waiting to hear if it will be operational next week or not.  Please advise children that they may not be able to have the main option but the kitchen will continue to endeavour to provide either a jacket potato or a sandwich lunch option on a daily basis.  We apologise for any inconvenience, but unfortunately it is out of our hands.
Menu Change Thursday
Next Thursday the kitchen will be offering a Taste of America menu providing the gas supply has been successfully reinstated.  Please see the attached poster.  There is no need to pre-order on this occasion, but please make children aware of the change in menu on that day.  Jackets will NOT be available, however, sandwiches can still be ordered if preferred.

SENDIASS sessions for parents and carers

Booking is open for an online session for families, hosted by SENDIASS, where specialist teachers from the Communication and Interaction service will explore how comic strip drawing can be used to help children/young people develop social understanding. Comic Strip Awareness 29 January 2025 (10am – 11am). Register for session

Helpline: 01473 265210
Text: ADVICE4ME to 87007

SEND Improvement Board

Please see a poster regarding the appointment of the new Independent Chair of the Local Area Partnership’s (LAP) SEND Improvement Board to drive forward SEND reform in Suffolk.The SEND Improvement Board was set up in response to the inspection of SEND services in Suffolk by Ofsted and CQC. Suffolk Parent Carer Forum would like to invite parents and carers to another meeting with Kathryn Boulton on Monday 20th January, 12:30PM – 2PM.  If you would be interested in participating then please email them on

Coffee and Chat - Friday 7th February

Mrs Robinson is inviting parents in to school to discuss spellings in school, how to support your child, how we teach spellings and the strategies used in school.  Please let us know if you are attending this important event.






Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

Wolves: significant and fuel (reception) 

Hedgehogs: compression and tension 

Adders: Archaic and Helenistic


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Monday 13th January - swimming resumes
Tuesday 14th - Activity After School Club
Tuesday 28th January - Adders Basketball tounament (To be confirmed)
W/c 3rd February - children's mental health week
Wednesday 5th February - 2.30pm, coffee and chat for parents as part of mental health week
Friday 7th February - 2.30pm coffee and chat for parents on the topic of spellings
Fridays - Family Assembly
Friday 14th February - end of term

Learners of the week

" Try new things"

WolvesArabella and Isabella B 

Hedgehogs:  Cordy and Bella

Adders: Kasper and Frankie

The School Value this term is.Perseverance.  See the link for ideas you could discuss at home. 8161034



Reading Giants

This is our weekly Reading Challenge!  




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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.