Bentley Weekly Update 24.1.2025


Important Information to Share


Uniform order

Look out for our uniform order on next weeks newsletter.

Parents of children in Years 4-6

The School games IPSSA Annual Cross Country event is being held on Wednesday 2nd April at Royal Hospital School If your child is interested please contact the office. Parents/carers will need to transport your child to and from the event and attend for the duration 1pm-approx 3.15pm.  Distance 1500m for year 4 and 2200m for year 5/6. Children are expected to stay at the event to the end to support the older runners attending or at least until the end of the school day. Children must be able to sustain a pace over the distance of the course. Please consider all these factors before committing to this event. Deadline to reply to the office is 31st January.

PTA update

We just wanted to say a big thank you, for your continued support. The events we ran over the last term made, Hot choc & cake sales £64, Christmas fair & elf workshop £484.23, School performance raffle £179, Christmas cards  £67.26 and Flower/candle arrangements £80.  We were pleased to be able to put £500 towards the whole school trip that the children did back in December to Bury Cathedral.

Some dates for your diary 

  • 7th February school disco 3:15 to 4:15 
  • 14th February Non uniform day - wear what you love in exchange for a £1
  • 28th March - Mother’s Day afternoon tea 
  • 25th April - Easter egg hunt - after school 

More information will follow on all the above. Thank you again for all your support. PTA 

Online Safety Webinars for Parents

Please see the website here for details of online safety events throughout the year.  They are free to attend. We will be marking Safer Internet Day in school on 11th February, reminding children about things to look out for and the importance of following our acceptable use policy to stay safe online.  Remind yourself about these by locating them on the policy page.

Half term activities

Pease see flyers regarding any half-term events we have been advised about.




Coffee and Chat - Friday 7th February 2.15pm (note early start time)

Mrs Robinson is inviting parents in to school to discuss spellings in school, how to support your child, how we teach spellings and the strategies used in school.  Please let us know if you are attending this important event.

Mid year reports and shared learning

As we approach half term, teachers will be writing a mid-year report to share updates on your child's progress. These will be sent out electronically straight after half term. This will allow you to read your child's report before joining us for shared learning on Friday 28th February to share books with your child. This will be instead of family assembly at 2.45pm. If you have more than one child, please feel free to join is from 2.30 to allow enough time for you to chat to your children.

Lunch and Morning Club payments

Please ensure that all payments are paid weekly as taken - thank you for your support

Up to date information
A reminder to let the office know of any changes in phone number (especially if no longer using a landline), email, address, doctor etc.  It is important that our data is up to date.


Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

Wolves: inuksuk & mature

Hedgehogs: truss & geodesic

Adders: salary & biomorphic


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Mondays - swimming 
Tuesdays -   Activity After School Club
W/c 3rd February - Children's mental health week
Wednesday 5th February - 2.30pm, coffee and chat for parents as part of mental health week
Friday 7th February - 2.15pm coffee and chat for parents on the topic of spellings
Friday 7th February - PTA Disco after school
Fridays - Family Assembly
Friday 14th February - end of term
Friday 14th February - PTA non uniform day

Learners of the week


Wolves: Elodie & Lillianna

Hedgehogs: Bella & Philippa

Adders: Jackson & Charlotte

The School Value this term is.Perseverance.  See the link for ideas you could discuss at home. Perseverance

Well done to Jenson, Kasper and Maya for demonstating this value in action.



Reading Giants

This is our weekly Reading Challenge!  

Last week was: Adders and Hedgehogs




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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.