Bentley Weekly Update 05.07.2024


Important Information to Share

School Reports

These will be out next week via email.  If you do not receive it or have any issues with opening the report with the link, please contact the office.

Quad Kids

There are 2 Quad kids events next week, U11 on Tuesday and U9 on Wednesday - please read the email for details.  Parents are welcome to attend.  Please can all parents advise the office if you are attending and taking your child home from the event or will collect from Copdock Primary school. We do need this information today please.

Suffolk One Trip

Year 2 will be visiting Suffolk One for a Skills Escalator Day on Monday.  As per the email sent earlier this week, they will need a packed lunch and refillable water bottle and to be wearing uniform on Monday.  Please ensure they arrive at 8:25am.

Mersea Island

KS1 Children from both schools are on their trip to Mersea Island on Tuesday.  As per the letter sent last month, children should arrive at school at normal time and we anticipate them returning for collection at normal time also.  Children need appropriate footwear, they can wear non-uniform but it needs to be appropriate to the weather conditions.  Please ensure they arrive with packed lunch and plenty to drink in a small rucksack that they are able to carry.

There will be an opportunity for children to paddle whilst on the beach at Mersea under close adult supervision. Any children wishing to paddle will need to bring spare shoes/water shoes, that they are happy to wear in the sea, and a small towel to dry their feet. These need to be in the children's bags. 


It is the final induction morning for our September starters. We are inviting them to stay to lunch this week and join in lunch play.  We will send you the menu for Friday so you can let us know their lunch choice. They can bring a packed lunch if they prefer.

Top Class

The Top Class supplement in the local press is out on Friday 12th which will contain a class photo of our leavers.


This is next Thursday and Friday for Yr 5/6 children who have signed up - please see the email sent earlier in the week regarding bike checks and helmet checks.




Worship Group dates: 16th July
Please keep on top of payments for school dinners, and the residential trip - all PGL payments must be made by the end of July.
KS1 Mersea Island Trip payments are due today please.

Class Photos - the order by date for free delivery to school was yesterday. You can opt to pay for postage to home at any time, even after the deadline.

Please see attachments regarding holiday clubs.


Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

Wolves:  Branch and bark

Hedgehogs: Y3/4 classification, interact    Y2 - rickety

Adders: refraction and intersect


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Mondays - Activity club for children who have signed up

Tuesdays - 3.15 - 4.15pm ITFC Multi- sports after school club for KS2 children who have signed up

Thursday 11th July - Wolves stay and play for Reception parents

Tuesday 9th July - KS1 trip to Mersea Island

Tuesday 9th July/ Wednesday 10th - Hedgehogs and Adders Quad kids competition - see email on Monday.

Thursday 11th and Friday 12th July - Adders Bikeability for children who have signed up.

Thursday 18th July 9am - Leaver's service at church

Friday 19th July - last day of term


Learners of the week

' have a go: Push yourself ' 

Wolves: Louie, Safire

Hedgehogs: Eliza,  Luther

Adders: Joey and Malachi

Value - this term is 'respect' - Amelia, Ace, Angus

HomeSchoolValues-RESPECT.pdf (


Reading Giants

This is the new name for our Reading Challenge!  We will be sharing which class has been excited by reading the most each week

Last week was Woves & Hedgehogs


Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.