Bentley Weekly Update 12.07.2024


Important Information to Share

Message from Governors
Following publication of the Ofsted report of Bentley C of E Primary School on 23rd May 2024, we, the Governing Board, would like to take this opportunity to note our grateful thanks for the amazing work of the staff and their steadfast dedication to ensuring the best outcomes for all pupils of the school. Our thanks extend to all the staff of Copdock Primary School. As you are aware, we are a Federation of two schools, with a single Senior Leadership Team and Governing Board. The two schools work very closely together, for example; on subject leadership, responding to the special educational needs of the children, continuous professional development and shared activities for the children. We visit the school regularly to fulfil our strategic role, we also meet with external professionals in school and some of us met with the Ofsted inspector. It gives us immense pride when we hear their professional feedback on the school and the work and achievements of the staff team, confirming what we see during our visits. In addition we express our gratitude to our Executive Headteacher, Mrs. Austin, who works tirelessly, long and hard, setting high standards and targets for the schools, whilst supporting the staff team to meet these. Finally a big thank you to the pupils and parents for your contribution to maintain our ‘Good’ outcome.

School Reports

These were sent out via email on Monday, please let the office know if you did not receive them or have an issues with opening the report with the link. Children will be bringing home their Learning Journals on Monday with their reports stuck in.  Please send in a strong, named carrier / shopping bag on Monday to transport excercise books home in.

Election News

Following our hustings and voting we now have a new School Council and new Head Pupils.  Our Head Pupils are; Erin, Ace and Jake; they are all looking forward to working with Mrs Austin, Copdock's Head Pupils and the senior leadership team on all sorts of aspects of school life.  We also congratulate our new School Council children who are:Safire, Isabella M, Tom, Cordy, Maya, Sophia and Charlotte.  Well done to all the children who worked hard in preparing their posters and speeches.

Attendance Policy Update 
We are in the process of updating our attendance policy in line with changes from the DfE. This will come into effect from September. Please see the attached flyer regarding Fixed Penalty notice updates. This is important information for parents as there are some significant changes.

Leaver's photo

Please see the flyer detailing the Leaver's photo in the paper.  The retail team will have extra copies of the paper out in stores near school so there should be plenty available, but if anyone struggles to find a copy they can give the team a ring on 0800 953 0227 to order a copy. 

Leavers Moving On event - Monday

Year  6 children are attending a 'Moving on' event at the church on Monday.  They will be transported to church after registration in the minibus and be back in school before lunch.  They need to wear smart, school uniform on Monday please and bring in their trainers for PE in the afternoon.

Leavers Service

All children will be spending the start of the morning at the Church for the leavers service on Thursday 18th July. Familiies are welcome to join us. Chidlren should be at church by the usual start time of 8.35am. If you are not able to join us, please drop children off at the church where they will be met by staff. As previously, to ensure that the road is not blocked, please drop off your child and continue along the road. Children will walk back to school with staff, or be transported on the minibus after the event. Please let the office know if you are using morning club that morning.

PTA Leavers End of school party

☀️End of school summer party ☀️ ☀️Thursday 18th July ☀️5:00 - 7:00pm  ☀️Everyone is invited☀️
We hope everyone will be able to join us to help celebrate the end of an amazing  school year where the children have worked so hard and achieved so much. We will also be saying goodbye to our year 6 pupils and wishing them well for their move up to high school and welcoming our new Bentley bunny’s. All friends and family are welcome. 
We thought it would be lovely to open the event with as many pupils as possible performing the ‘leavers song’.  They will be practicing this at school so it should be a great performance.  We hope lots of families will support this by bringing their children along to perform. 
Please note, to ensure that everyone can enjoy this special event it is essential that parents supervise their children during the evening. Younger siblings must remain with their adults at all times to ensure they are safe. The woodland area will be out of bounds on the evening.
We will have a BBQ and bar. 
All BBQ food  must be pre-ordered by Tuesday 16th July. This is to help keep waste and cost down. 
🍔Burger - £3
🌭Hotdog - £2.50 
🍔Vegetarian burger - £3
🌭Vegetarian hotdog - £2.50 
To order food please comment on the Facebook post or email into school. 
Please make payment upon ordering food either by BACs ref - surname & bbq 
Bentley primary PTA 
Sort code 30-99-50
Account number 65910268
or cash in named envelope with your name and order on.  

End of Year Housekeeping

Please ensure all books and equipment are returned by Wednesday 17th July. 

All dinners and morning club need to be paid for by the end of term please - if you are unsure how much you owe, please ask. 

The final PGL payment is due by the end of July.

Please send a strong named carrier bag into school on Monday to transport exercise books home during the week.  

Menu Change

On Tuesday we have an Olympic themed menu replacing the usual choice.  Please see attached menu, and ensure children are aware.

Holiday Homework

Times tables have been set for the children over the holidays.  Their login details are on a label in their diary.  We would also like to encourage the children to read over the holidays, there are lots of online books available via and the login details are: 

Y5/6 - af56 / bcps
Y3/4 - wh34 / bcps
YR12 - were/ bcps
Library Reading Quest
Suffolk Libraries Summer Reading Quest starts on Saturday 13th July.  The website below explains all of the details and the children have been spoken to in collective worship.  There are posters in each classroom advertising the quest.  If the children bring their certificate into school in September, they can have an extra sticker on the Reading Giants chart and be entered into a prize draw.  Please also see poster attached for details


Please keep on top of payments for school dinners, and the residential trip - all PGL payments must be made by the end of July please.
Please see attachments regarding holiday clubs etc.


Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

Wolves: evergreen and deciduous




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(No After school sports club or Stay and Play this week)

Monday 15th July - Last Activity club for children who have signed up

Monday 15th July - Leaver's Moving on event

Tuesday 16th July - change to lunch menu

Thursday 18th July 9am - Leaver's service at church

Friday 19th July - last day of term

Wednesday 4th September - all children return to school


Learners of the week

' have a go: 'Improve ' 

Wolves: Amelia and Jenson

Hedgehogs: Amy & Austin

Adders: Jacob and Noah

Value - this term is 'respect' - Tom, Ben, Sophia

HomeSchoolValues-RESPECT.pdf (


Reading Giants

This is the new name for our Reading Challenge!  We will be sharing which class has been excited by reading the most each week

Last week was Adders & Hedgehogs


Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.