Bentley weekly Update 14.02.2025
Important Information to ShareClubs after half term
Activity Club will resume after half term but will now take place on Monday after school, starting on Monday 3rd March for 5 weeks at £2.00 per week = £10.00. Please let the office know if your child would like to resume this club and pay online.
KS2 After School Sports Club at Copdock Primary School
This club is run by Ben our ITFC coach and will be open to children in years 3/4. Places will be offered initially to girls who are interested in playing in the under 8's football tournament. Additional spaces will then be offered to the boys. This club will be running from Tuesday 25th February until 1st April and will be free of charge. Children will be taken to Copdock in the school minibus so parents will need to collect from Copdock at 4.15pm every Tuesday. Please let the office know if your child would like to join this club.
Easter Craft Club
We are pleased to advise that Ms Rivers is planning on running an Easter craft club on a Friday morning before school from 8.00am. It will start on Friday 7th March for 4 weeks. The cost is £20 for all 4 sessions, It is for all year groups. They will be doing some Easter crafts and baking. Children will need to sign up for all 4 sessions and payment of £20 can be made via spider, or by cash / cheque via the office. Children at the Easter club will need to eat breakfast before coming please. Easter Club will only run dependant on numbers of children who want to join
(The normal breakfast club will still run separately for those not wanting to attend Easter club; unfortunately due to the activities we cannot offer your child breakfast club and Easter club at the same time.) Please email the office if your child would like to join by Wednesday 26th February; once we know it is viable, we will let you know if your child has a place, and payments can be made.
Mid-Year Reports and Shared Learning - teachers have been writing a mid-year report to share updates on your child's progress. These will be sent out electronically straight after half term. This will allow you to read your child's report before joining us for shared learning on Friday 28th February to share books with your child. This will be instead of family assembly at 2.45pm. If you have more than one child, please feel free to join us from 2.30pm to allow enough time for you to chat to your children.
Governor Visit Day - Governors and the LA standards and excellence partner recently joined children and staff to see learning in action across both of our schools. They were able to gain a wide range of evidence to help them extend their working knowledge of our schools during every day life. Governors were impressed with the quality of the children’s handwriting, along with the positive learning behaviour seen in lessons. It was great to see them recognise the tremendous hard work of both children and staff, joining us in celebrating the provision in place to meet the needs of our communities. Inclusion and SEND questionnaire - following our recent questionnaire, the Personnel Committee would like to share some feedback with parents. Thank you to those who shared their views. Curriculum Support for Parents - we have launched more videos to support you with curriculum activities at home. Many of you welcomed access to videos and guidance online so you could go back to them when you had time. The videos have been uploaded on this page Bentley CEVC & Copdock Primary Federation: Parent Support Videos. We will be adding to this page during the year and will be focusing on Maths support videos next as part of our calculation strategies. Safer Internet - Head Pupils led an assembly on this important topic earlier this week on the theme 'Too Good To Be True', all about online scams. Children asked a range of important questions and shared information about scams they had experienced themselves too. Sharing Assembly Please find the sharing assembly rota for the next term. Disabled Parking We have had a couple of questions concerning disabled parking outside of school. Although we don't have allocated disabled spaces at the front of the school we do have an area between 2 signs for drivers who have a blue badge and need to park close to the gate due to reduced mobility. Thank you for parking considerately to allow this to support those who may need to use it. Community Information Please see various flyers re information we have received from the community |
REMINDERS!!!! Possible Communication Disruption - there has been lots going on behind the scenes in recent weeks. We have just changed our finance package and will soon be changing our management information system. This was due to happen prior to Christmas but is now scheduled for March. In the meantime please keep us updated for any changes in contact details etc. The recent change does not impact parents or pupils, but obviously impacts staff. Payments can continue to be made via the website. This week our phone lines have been updated to digital. This appears to have been successful but if you are unable to get through on the phone, please send an email. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience that may be caused. Lunch and Morning Club payments - Please ensure that all payments are paid weekly as taken - thank you for your support
Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful! no words this week Wolves: Hedgehogs: Adders: |
Mondays - swimming
Tuesdays - Activity After School Club
Fridays - Family Assembly
Friday 14th February - end of term
Friday 14th February - PTA non uniform day
17th to 21st February - Half - Term
Monday 24th February- Swimming resumes (attendees parents emailed)
Friday 28th February - shared learning - details to follow
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
Wednesday 2nd April - possible Cross Country Competition for Yr 4 - 6 children
Learners of the week "Improve" Wolves: Tom and Harrison Hedgehogs: Ellie and Alfie Adders: Ben and Kasper The School Value this term is.perseverance. See the link for ideas you could discuss at home. Perseverance Well done to Isabella M, Bella, Jake for demonstrating this value in action.
Reading Giants This is our weekly Reading Challenge! Last week was: Adders