Bentley Weekly Update 24.5.2024


Important Information to Share

Ofsted Visit
Yesterday, we welcomed Ofsted into our school.  The inspectors visited all classrooms throughout the day, spoke to children, staff, governors and the Local Authority and spent time outdoors at lunchtime. It was great to hear how positively the children spoke about their learning and experiences, demonstrating their confidence and enthusiasm, and the feedback we received was very complimentary.  
We look forward to sharing the report with you once it is available in approximately 4 weeks. 
Thank you to those of you who took time to share your supportive views via the online questionnaire.
Parent Governor Election
You should have received a notification via the website about our Parent Governor election. Please do complete the short form to share your views. Both candidate statements are available on the link for your information. Closing date to respond is Monday 3rd June.
Sports Day - more information will follow after half term. The event will begin with a picnic lunch at 12pm
After School clubs
Monday Activity Club
This is continuing after half term for children in years 2 to 6.  It will cost £2 per session and start on Monday 17th June for 5 weeks. Please email the office if your child would like to continue or to join this. If you sign up for this, please pay £10.00 for the half term via spider or cash in the first week after half-term. The club will be informal and include the opportunity to play with friends outside, use ipads for coding activities, build with Lego, be creative with paint and craft materials. 
ITFC sports club
This is open this term for KS2 children in the first instance, and will concentrate on field games.  It will start on the first Tuesday after half term (4th June) and run until 9th July.  Therefore 6 sessions priced at £2 per session.  Please ensure payment is made prior to the club commencing, either via the website or cash in a named envelope.
Vacancy for a Catering Assistant
Please see details below, for further information please contact [email protected]
Catering Assistant
Bentley Primary 
10 hours per week - Term time 
11:30am - 1:30pm 
Please see attached a flyer from County Music


Worship Group dates: 4th June, 18th June, 2nd July, 16th July
PGL Trip payment
Reminder that the next payment is due during half term please. We kindly remind you that the whole payment is due by the end of July 2024, which is only 2 months away!
If your Year 5/6 child would like to take part in the Bikeability course in July, please return the consent form. There are still spaces
Uniform order
Reminder to send in the order form and make payment by Monday 10th June
Y4 Sleepover
A reminder to please read the letter and complete the form to secure your child's place.  If you have any questions or your child is unable to attend please let us know.
Dinner and Morning Club Monies
Pease ensure you are up to date with dinner and morning club payments before half term.
Don't forget to check out our website for information on events happening soon including holiday clubs, sporting sessions and more.


Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

No words this week as half term





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27th -  31st May - half term

Mondays  - swimming for some children - see individual emails.  Please note that there will be no swimming on Monday 3rd June.

Tuesdays - 3.15 - 4.15pm ITFC Multi- sports after school club for KS2 children who have signed up

Thursday 6th June - 2.45 - 3.10pm - Stay and Play for Year  1 parents

Monday 3rd June - Adders trip to Suffolk Archives at the Hold (Packed lunch required)

Wednesday 5th June - Adders trip to Budhist centre - see email sent this week

Friday 14th June - new reception children Teddy Bear picnic

Monday 17th June - Activity Club starts for children who have signed up

Wednesday 19th June - Adders visit to Crucial Crew - details to follow

Saturday 22nd June - PTA summer fayre - details to follow

Monday 24th June - class photos

Tuesday 25th June - Federation sports day at Copdock village Hall

Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th June - Year 6 Transition days at EBHS

Friday 28th June - Year 4 sleepover - complete the form to secure your child's place




Learners of the week

'Improve ' 

Wolves:  Isabella M, Ivy and Jenson

Hedgehogs: Bella and Ace

Adders: Elsie, Frankie

Value - 'friendship' Safire, Mario, Jake

HomeSchoolValues-FRIENDSHIP.pdf (



Reading Giants

This is the new name for our Reading Challenge!  We will be sharing which class has been excited by reading the most each week

Last week was Hedgehogs and Adders


Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.