Bentley Weekly Update 25.10.2024


Important Information to Share


PGL return
Adders children are expected back around 2.45pm this afternoon, traffic pending. If the times change we will notify parents.  Please can you collect children to assist with their luggage at the end of the school day.
Don't forget the new menu starts on the Wednesday after half term - please see the attached menu. (There is a themed menu on Tuesday - see below) The cost of a KS2 meal will also be increased to £2.80 - please ensure any meals taken prior to half term are paid for before the end of term..  The new cost will be effective from when we return.
Menu Change
There is a special menu on offer on the first day back after half term to mark Bonfire Night.  Please see the poster attached.  
We have Bentley Photographic coming into school on the mornng of Thursday 7th November to take individual photos of the children (with siblings if applicable).  Please ensure they come into school in smart uniform - they must wear a cardigan or jumper.  Make sure they remember to bring their smiles too!  
Shared Learning and coffee & chat
We will be holding shared learning on the first Friday back from half term.  Parents are welcome to come into school for a coffee and chat from 2.15pm and then visit their child's class to see what has been taking place in the classroom from 2:45pm, anyone with more than one child can come in to classrooms from 2:30pm to enable them time to get around the classrooms.  (Please can we ask that siblings in buggy's do not attend due to space in the classroom and any siblings that do attend stay on parent's lap)
After School Clubs
Monday after school KS2 Cake Club is now full and starts on Monday 11th November.  Please make your payment before half term.
Activity Club is running again on Tuesday after school 3:15-4:15pm from 12th November to 10th December - please let the office know if your child would like to join this. The charge is £2 per session and can be paid online or by cash/cheque to the office.
Friday morning Christmas Craft Club starts on Friday 15th November.  Please see the email sent out and sign up on the form. There are still spaces available.
Parent Consultations
We will be holding parent consultations on Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th November.  Slots will be available to book from lunchtime on Monday 4th November and close at lunctime on Monday 11th November.  Slots are set at 10 minutes, we do ask that parents stick to the time - should you require more time, please make contact with the office.  Please log onto the website to book your slot.  Please book one slot per child as there are limited slots available.

Poppy Appeal and Remembrance Service

Children will be walking to the memorial in the village on Monday 11th November for an 11am Remembrance Service.  Families are welcome to join us at the memorial.  Poppy appeal items will be available for purchase in school after half-term. Recommended donations from 20p-£2 if you would like to send in money with your child. Please see a photo of items available.

Wolves Class Maths Workshop
Miss Cooper is holding a maths workshop on the 14th November at 2:45pm. It will be an opportunity to work with parents to give ideas on how you can support your child's maths learning at home and any questions you may have about the maths curriculum. (Please can we ask that siblings in buggy's do not attend due to space in the classroom and any siblings that do attend stay on parent's lap)
Start of the School Day
We are encouraging children to come in on their own at the start of school after half-term.  Please let your child know that you will say your Goodbyes at the woodland gate.  Staff will welcome children on the playground and Mrs Cumberland or another member of the admin team follow the children in after locking the gate at 8.45am.
Mental Health parent guides
We have a number of parent guides to support positive mental health. This week's focus is on buliding emotional resilience. You can listen to a podcast here or access guides here Bentley CEVC & Copdock Primary Federation: Promoting Positive Mental Health
PTA News and dates for next term (also see posters attached)

👻Halloween disco all information was sent out yesterday in an email.
Wednesday 6th November. 3:15 to 4:30pm   

AGM meeting
11th November @ 20:30 to 21:00
Please join us at our annual AGM , it’s a great way to find out what we did last year and our plans for the school term ahead.
Link for meeting will be emailed out nearer the time.

🎄Save the date for our Christmas fair 🎄
🎄29th November In school at 3:15pm.🎄 More information to follow next term.

PTA 100 Club
We would like to thank everyone who has supported our 100 club this year. We raised £396 for the school children🎉
The PTA has had a kind letter from a resident, Shelley Rickwood who has paid for the Bentley 100 club but will donate any winning amounts back to the school.  We are very grateful for this generosity.
Sing Up at RHS
Foxes and Adders classes will be attending a vocal day at Royal Hospital School on Wed 13th November resulting in a concert at RHS at 1.45pm. Parents are invited to attend the concert, please contact the office if you would like to attend. If you are able to attend you will be able to take your child home from the venue at 2.15pm.




School lunches - please ensure all KS2 school dinners taken are paid for before half term.  There will be a price increase from 5th November along with the new menu as per last week's newsletter.
Reminder to send in catering questionnaires
Open Day for Prospective Parents - Thursday 7th November. Please pass on this to anyone who is looking for a school place ready for September.
Forest School Friday - Reception children need to come to school ready for Forest School at Copdock please. Don't forget a change  in case we get very muddy! 
Save the Date 6th November for PTA Halloween Disco - more details to follow
Friday 13th December 2pm - Adders adults welcome  to come into school and spend time with their child to find out more about their healthy living learning.
Supervision at end of day - please ensure you know where your children are at the end of the day so they can be supervised safely whilst on the school site.  Staff are often chatting to parents following handover so are not able to also supervise the children.


Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

No words this week as it is half term





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Thu 31st October - Deadline for applying for high school

28/10-01/11 - Half Term Week

Mon 4th November PD day - no children in school

Tuesdays - 3.15 - 4.15pm Activity ASC (12th Nov - 10th Dec)

Thursday 7th November - School photos

Thursday 7th November, Open morning and Evening

Fri 8th November - Coffee and chat 2.15pm, followed by shared learning at 2.45pm

Monday 11th November - Remembrance Service at the memorial

Mondays - Christmas Cake club for children who have signed up

Wednesday 13th November - Yr 5 & 6 'Sing up' trip at RHS 

Thursday 14th November - Flu immunisation nasal spray - see letter sent home

Thursday 14th November - Wolves Maths workshop 2.45pm

Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th November - Parent consultation evenings - details to follow after half term.

Fri 13th December -2pm Adders Healthy Living for parents 


Learners of the week

Wolves:   Isabella M and Archie

Hedgehogs:   Adelaide and Tom 

Adders: whole class

Value this term is Generosity. See the family leaflet for ideas you could discuss at home.

Well done to  Lillianna and Austin  for demonstating this value in action.


Reading Giants

This is our weekly Reading Challenge!  

Our last reading GIANTS were Adders well done!




Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.