Bentley Weekly Update 7.2.2025


Important Information to Share

Uniform Order - today is the deadline.  Please ensure that payment is made at the same time as sending in the order form, this can be done either in cash or by cheque to the office, or via the website.  We do need a completed order form please to be able to place your order as this contains the sizing information. 

Possible Communication Disruption - there has been lots going on behind the scenes in recent weeks.  We have just changed finance package and will soon be changing our management information system.  This was due to happen prior to Christmas but is now scheduled for March.  In the meantime please keep us updated for any changes in contact details etc.  The recent change does not impact parents or pupils, but obviously impacts staff.  Payments can continue to be made via the website.  Next week we will be updating our phone lines to become digital.  This may result in some disruption as it is changed over.  If you are unable to get through on the phone, please send an email.  We apologise in advance for any inconvenience that may be caused.

Change to menu Tuesday 11th February  - Please see a change to the menu on Tuesday 11th February, please ensure that your child is aware for ordering on the day. Jacket potatoes will be available but not sandwiches.

Curriculum support for parents - Following our recent questionnaire we have launched more videos to support you with curriculum activities at home. Many of you welcomed access to videos and guidance online so you could go back to them when you had time The videos have been uploaded on this page Bentley CEVC & Copdock Primary Federation: Parent Support VideosWe will be adding to this page during the year and will be focusing on Maths support videos next as part of our calculation strategies.

Safer Internet - Head Pupils will be leading an assembly on this important topic on Tuesday and classes will be exploring this year's theme, 'Too Good To Be True', all about online scams. Please check out our online safety pages of the website for advice and support, including webinars for parents. Bentley CEVC & Copdock Primary Federation: Online Safety.




Uniform order
A Reminder that the deadline for ordering uniform is today.  An order form is needed and payment can be made online, or by cash / cheque to the office with the order form.

Reminder of Mid year reports and shared learning

As we approach half term, teachers will be writing a mid-year report to share updates on your child's progress. These will be sent out electronically straight after half term. This will allow you to read your child's report before joining us for shared learning on Friday 28th February to share books with your child. This will be instead of family assembly at 2.45pm. If you have more than one child, please feel free to join is from 2.30 to allow enough time for you to chat to your children.

Lunch and Morning Club payments

Please ensure that all payments are paid weekly as taken - thank you for your support

Up to date information
A reminder to let the office know of any changes in phone number (especially if no longer using a landline), email, address, doctor etc.  It is important that our data is up to date.


Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

Wolves: culture & omnivore

Hedgehogs: attract and repel

Adders: amorphous & armoured


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Mondays - swimming 
Tuesdays -   Activity After School Club
Fridays - Family Assembly
Friday 14th February - end of term
Friday 14th February - PTA non uniform day
17th to 21st February - Half - Term
Friday 28th February - shared learning - details to follow
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
Wednesday 2nd April - possible Cross Country Competition for Yr 4 - 6 children

Learners of the week


Wolves: Archie & Jenson

Hedgehogs: Adelaide & Luther

Adders: Mario & Sophia

The School Value this term is.perseverance.  See the link for ideas you could discuss at home. Perseverance

Well done to Ace, Amelia & Raffy for demonstating this value in action.



Reading Giants

This is our weekly Reading Challenge!  

Last week was: Adders




Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.