Copdock Weekly Update 06/12/2024
Hot Chocolate on the playground today £1 or £1.50 with cream & sprinkles - don't forget your travel cups
Information to ShareParent Views - please note we are extending the deadline for you to share your views as Governors really are keen to hear what you have to say. Thank you to those who have already taken the time to complete the questionnaire previously shared. Please do click the link to share your views if you haven't already done so. It is anonymous, there are only 4 questions and it takes no time at all.
Hamper Donations - thank you to everyone who donated this week towards the PTA Christmas Hampers. Donations can still be made this afternoon. In order to win one, you will need to purchase raffle tickets. These will be sent home with your child today. Please return monies and stubs to school by next Thursday 12th. They can also be returned to the Fayre on the day. Please send any unsold tickets back to school to be reallocated. If you would like more tickets, please let either the office or the PTA know. Please see attached poster.
Christmas Dinner - we will be hosting our Christmas dinner on Wednesday 11th December. Please note this needed to be pre-ordered, so if you haven't ordered a dinner, you will need to send a packed lunch in as no menu items will be available to order on the day. Children are invited into school wearing a Christmas jumper over their uniform in exchange for a bottle to go on the Blind Bottle stall at the Christmas Fayre next Friday.
PTA Christmas Events - thank you to everyone who attended the Wreath Night this week - the PTA raised over £400 at this event. They continue the Christmassy theme with a Santa Run this weekend - make sure you get your tickets today to ensure your medal is ready & waiting for you - if anyone would like to sponsor the race, please get in touch. Next Friday sees the Christmas Fayre. Children need to be collected from school as usual at the end of the day and taken to the Village Hall if you are attending the Fayre. Please note, the hot chocolate stall will be stationed at the Christmas Fayre next Friday rather than the playground where it will be today. The Christmas Fayre is being held at Copdock Village Hall from 3:30-5pm. We have some new stall ideas and a visit from the man in red. If you're able to help on a stall please let us know. Please see advertising attached for more details.
Book Christmas Tree - further to the email sent home yesterday, if you would like to contribute a book to expand our library, please take a tag from our tree on the playground after school and send the book in during the run-in to Christmas. Thank you in advance.
Kinetic Letters Handwriting - following our coffee and chat about the new handwriting scheme we have introduced, we have now set up a new page on the website for you to access information and resources. Videos will be added here in the next few weeks to support you at home. In the meantime, the information shared at the session is now available, alongside resources that can also be purchased. Due to copyright, this page has a simple password - HW.
Swimming - it is the last swimming on Monday. This will recommence in January.
Clubs - our ITFC & Christmas Cake clubs finish next week - there will be none in the last week of term to make way for our performances. Lego Club finished this week. Please note that the Cake Club will finish a little later next week at about 4:30pm. Keep an eye on the end of term newsletter for details of clubs taking place in the spring term and how to sign up.
Christmas Performances - you have until 1pm Tuesday to confirm tickets for performances via the website survey. You will be notified confirmation of tickets on Friday 13th.
Costumes - please do not buy anything specific for costumes, use what you have at home. KS1 children need to wear black tops with black leggings/trousers and their black school shoes - any other costumes will be provided. KS2 children are asked to wear smart clothes = smart trousers, school trousers will be fine. Shirt, dress, skirt and top. Something your child may wear to a party. No logos or branded/pictures on tops please. No casual sportswear, no tracksuits, no hoodies and no trainers please. Smart flat shoes. School shoes will be fine. Thank you. More specific costumes:
Church Room Christmas Lights & Decorations - parents and children are invited to the Church Room, The Street (near the bus stop outside the Brook Inn pub) after school on Monday 9th December to see the lighting of the village tree and to collect their goodie bags.
Inhalers - Please complete the attached Asthma form and return to the school office if your child uses an inhaler, even if they haven't been diagnosed with asthma. The school is completing an inhaler check for pupils.
REMINDERS!!!! Please ensure your child has a named coat or waterproof in school for break times - we do like to get outside even if it's a bit drizzly.
Those in Woodpeckers who are swimming need to remember their kits on Mondays
Foxes need to remember clarinets for their lessons on Tuesdays
Reception children need to wear their Forest Schools clothing on Fridays
Earrings must be removed for PE lessons
Please ensure anything brought into school is labelled. Look out for lost property on the lunchbox trolley each evening.
Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful! Kittens: day & different Squirrels: manufactured & natural Woodpeckers: interrupt & current Foxes: pivot & fulcrum Our Value this half term is 'Compassion' |
Mondays - Swimming Woodpeckers Children Tuesdays- Foxes to bring in clarinets for their lesson Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm ITFC ASC Games for KS1 children Thursdays - 3:15-4:30pm KS2 Christmas Cake Club Fridays - Reception Forest Schools Fridays - 2:45-3:15pm Sharing Assemblies 08/12 PTA Santa Run 09/12 after school - Lighting of Village Tree at Church Room 10/12 1pm Deadline for Performance Tickets 11/12 Christmas Lunch - if you've not pre-ordered please send a packed lunch 12/11 Return Raffle Ticket Stubs & Monies, or unsold books 13/12 3:30-5pm PTA Christmas Fayre - collection from school at 3:15pm 14/12 10am Rehearsal at Copdock Church for Copdock Church Christmas Nativity - All welcome 15/12 10am Copdock Church Christmas Nativity 16/12 2pm KS1 Performance - entry by pre-arranged booking 16/12 6pm KS1 Performance - entry by ticket only 18/12 2pm KS2 Performance - entry by pre-arranged booking 18/12 6pm KS2 Performance - entry by ticket only 19/12 Singing at The Lodge 20/12 Squirrels Cake Sale 20/12 Last Day of Term |
Learners of the week
Learning Behaviour: Don't Give Up Kittens: Howard & Phoebe Squirrels: Evelyn & Isla Woodpeckers: Eric & Nojus Foxes: Christian & Douglas |
Lego Club This term's theme is: Space This week we built: Space Station Please vote on KWB |
Reading Giants This week's reading giants are:
Years 2 & 6 |