Copdock Weekly Update 10/01/2025
Information to ShareAfter School Clubs - there are still spaces available for the ITFC multi-sports taking place on Tuesdays for children in Woodpeckers and Foxes. Please pay via the website to secure your place. If you would like a space on the Lego Club please visit Kids with Bricks website to book on. Both of these clubs start next Tuesday and run until half term.
Menu Change Thursday - next Thursday the kitchen will be offering a Taste of America menu, assuming the gas supply has been successfully reinstated. Please see the attached poster. There is no need to pre-order on this occasion, but please make children aware of the change in menu on that day. Jackets will NOT be available, however, sandwiches can still be ordered if preferred.
Medication - as medicines were all sent home prior to the holidays, please only send in what is needed to be held in school. Please ensure inhalers are sent in every day and that the forms sent out before Christmas have all been completed and returned (copy attached). As a reminder, if your child is prescribed antibiotics, school should only be asked to administer them if they are required 4 times per day.
Housekeeping - just a couple of reminders as we embark upon a new term. The gates open at 8:35am, registration takes place at 8:45am, therefore the children have a 10 minute window to get to their classrooms. Please ensure they are in correct uniform, including shoes, with all of the equipment they require including a water bottle - please ensure EVERYTHING is labelled. For those children in KS2 who pay for their meals, please try not to fall into arrears. Payment can be made in cash in a named envelope to the office, or via the website. Please refrain from sending in loose cash as it often goes astray and if left on the office desk, doesn't always get allocated against the correct child. If you bring a dog to school either in the mornings or the afternoons, please ensure they are kept away from the ramp/steps - not all children like dogs, even the soft, friendly ones. If you drive to school, please park considerately and watch your speed. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Please do keep an eye on the weekly newsletter to keep you up to date on events and how to stay involved with school life.
Princess Trust - as notified before Christmas, one of our Woodpeckers was raising funds and awareness for the Princess Trust by getting sponsorship to have her hair cut and donating it to be made into a wig. Aiyana has raised an amazing £910 to support this charity and pay for the wig to be made. Her new style suits her too! It's a win, win. Thank you to anyone who sponsored her to raise this money.
School Dinners Update - as per our email sent this week the gas at Beaumont Primary has been a recurring issue for quite some time, especially in cold weather. We are waiting to hear if it will be operational next week or not. Please advise children that they may not be able to have the main option but we will continue to endeavour to provide either a jacket potato or a packed lunch option on a daily basis. We apologise for any inconvenience, but it is evidently out of our hands.
SENDIASS Sessions for Parents and Carers - booking is open for an online session for families, hosted by SENDIASS, where specialist teachers from the Communication and Interaction service will explore how comic strip drawing can be used to help children/young people develop social understanding. Comic Strip Awareness 29 January 2025 (10am – 11am). Register for session
SEND Improvement Board - please see attached poster regarding the appointment of the new Independent Chair of the Local Area Partnership’s (LAP) SEND Improvement Board to drive forward SEND reform in Suffolk. The SEND Improvement Board was set up in response to the inspection of SEND services in Suffolk by Ofsted and CQC. Suffolk Parent Carer Forum would like to invite parents and carers to another meeting with Kathryn Boulton on Monday 20th January, 12:30PM – 2PM. If you would be interested in participating then please email them on [email protected]. |
REMINDERS!!!! Please ensure your child has a named coat or waterproof in school for break times - we do like to get outside even if it's a bit drizzly.
Those Woodpeckers who are swimming need their kits on Mondays
Foxes need to remember clarinets for their lessons on Tuesdays
Reception children need to wear Forest Schools clothing on Fridays
Earrings must be removed for PE lessons
Please ensure anything brought into school is labelled. Look out for lost property on the lunchbox trolley each evening.
Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful! Kittens: early & empty Squirrels: significant & inspire Woodpeckers: compress & structure Foxes: hellenistic & archaic Our Value this half term is 'Perseverence' |
Mondays - Woodpeckers Swimming Tuesdays - Foxes Clarinets Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm KS2 ITFC Multi-sports Fridays - Reception Forest Schools Fridays - 2:45-3:15pm Sharing Assemblies 16-01 Taste of America Menu
03-07 Feb - Children's Mental health week
06-02 - 2.30pm Coffee and Chat for parents as part of mental health week
14-02 - 2.30pm Coffee and Chat for parents on the topic of spellings
Learners of the week
Learning Behaviour: ENJOY YOUR LEARNING Kittens: Lily & Huxley Squirrels: Leo & Scarlet Woodpeckers: Blake & Joshua Foxes: William & Anaysa |
Lego Club Lego Club starts again next week! |
Reading Giants This week's reading giants are:
Years 2, 5 & 6 |