Copdock Weekly Update 12/07/2024


Information to Share

Don't forget it's Ice Cream Friday today 🍦 come and get an ice cream after school, available whatever the weather ☔

Election News - following our hustings and voting we now have new Head Pupils.  Our Head Pupils are Arielle & Jenson, ably assisted by Ellie; they are all looking forward to working with Mrs Austin, Bentley's Head Pupils and the senior leadership team on all sorts of aspects of school life.  We eagerly await the conclusion of the School Council elections taking place in classes.

Reports - these were emailed home earlier in the week.  If you have had any issues accessing them please do let us know.  Learning Journeys will be sent home early next week.

End of Year Housekeeping - please ensure all books and equipment are returned by Wednesday 17th July.  All dinners also need to be paid for by the end of term - if you are unsure how much you owe, please ask.  The final PGL payment is due by the end of July. 

Please send a strong carrier bag into school on Monday to transport exercise books home during the week.  On the last day of term children can bring a change of clothes for the afternoon as we celebrate another successful year of learning.

Menu Change - on Tuesday we have an Olympic themed menu replacing the usual choice.  Please see attached to order on the day.

Holiday Homework - times tables have been set for the children over the holidays.  Their login details are on a label in their diary.  We would also like to encourage the children to read over the holidays, there are lots of online books available via and the login details are: 

Y5/6 - af56 / bcps
Y3/4 - wh34 / bcps
YR12 - were/ bcps
Class Treats - Foxes can bring in a change of clothes and towels for a water fight on Thursday.  Please ensure they have appropriate footwear.  Woodpeckers will be heading to the park on Wednesday - weather permitting.  Squirrels are also having a water fight on Thursday afternoon, it is not compulsory.  Children need to bring a change of clothes that they're happy to get wet - including shoes, a towel and a water gun.  Kittens will be having a pizza party on Thursday.  If children could bring in a pot/bag of grated cheese please.  Anything brought in is at your own risk.
Leavers - our leavers assembly will be taking place at 9am on Friday - hopefully we will be able to host this on the field, weather permitting.  Parents of leavers are welcome to join us to celebrate their time with us.  Don't forget to grab a local paper today as our 'Top Class' will be featured in the end of year supplement.
Attendance Policy UpdateWe are in the process of updating our attendance policy in line with changes from the DfE. This will come into effect from September. Please see the attached flyer regarding Fixed Penalty notice updates. This is important information for parents as there are some significant changes.


Message from Governors
Following publication of the Ofsted report of Bentley C of E Primary School on 23rd May 2024, we, the Governing Board, would like to take this opportunity to note our grateful thanks for the amazing work of the staff and their steadfast dedication to ensuring the best outcomes for all pupils of the school.  Our thanks extend to all the staff of Copdock Primary School. As you are aware, we are a Federation of two schools, with a single Senior Leadership Team and Governing Board.  The two schools work very closely together, for example; on subject leadership, responding to the special educational needs of the children, continuous professional development and shared activities for the children.  We visit the school regularly to fulfil our strategic role, we also meet with external professionals in school and some of us met with the Ofsted inspector.  It gives us immense pride when we hear their professional feedback on the school and the work and achievements of the staff team, confirming what we see during our visits.  In addition we express our gratitude to our Executive Headteacher, Mrs. Austin, who works tirelessly, long and hard, setting high standards and targets for the schools, whilst supporting the staff team to meet these.  Finally a big thank you to the pupils and parents for your contribution to maintain our ‘Good’ outcome.



Please ensure all jumpers/cardigans/lunchboxes & water bottles are labelled - keep an eye on the lunchbox trolley at the end of the day for any lost property.
Year 6 children need to come to school on Monday in smart uniform with a PE kit to change into for the afternoon.
Please keep on top of payments for school dinners, and the residential trip - all PGL payments must be made by the end of July.
KS2 Lunches - as we approach the end of term, please ensure you have paid for all of the dinners taken.


Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary.  In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context.  If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

Kittens: front & full

Squirrels: rotate & centre

Woodpeckers: beneficial & environment

Foxes: incidence & impurity

Our Value this half term is 'Respect' 

arrow 2.PNG

Tuesday 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club

16th Jul - Olympic Lunch Menu

19th Jul - 9am Leavers Assembly

19th Jul - Last Day of Term


Learners of the week


Learning Behaviour: Improve

Kittens: Albert & Otis

Squirrels: Lilah & Layla

Woodpeckers: Alana & Douglas

Foxes: Talin & Oscar

Lego Club

This week we built Palm Trees

Palm Trees.jpeg

Please vote on KWB


Reading Giants


Last week's reading giants were:

Year 3



Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.