Copdock Weekly Update 13/09/2024


Information to Share

Menu Change - please note that we will be offering a different menu choice next Thursday.  Please see the attached menu.  There is no need to order in advance on this occasion.  Please note that jacket potatoes are available each day - the options are Mondays - cheese, Tuesdays - cheese/beans, Wednesdays - cheese/tuna, Thursdays - beans, Fridays - cheese/beans.
Federation Healthy Living - all children need to be collected from the Village Hall at 3:15pm after the MacMillan event next Friday 20th.  Please see the letter sent home earlier this week for all the details on the event.  The lunch menu will remain the same, this will be delivered to school for the reception children and the village hall for the other year groups, food will be provided in grab and go bags.  Preorder not required.  If your child attends the after school club, please let the office know so that we can arrange transportation back to school after the event.

Cake Donations for Macmillan event - we would welcome any donations of cakes for our above event; please send into school on Thursday so we can ensure we have enough refreshments for visitors who attend on the day. Thank you for your support.
Wellbeing Parent Workshops - please see the attached details of parent workshops being hosted by NHS Norfolk & Suffolk.

Staying Safe Online - we know it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start when it comes to keeping your children safe online.  So, to help you get started, Internet Matters have created the ABC online safety checklist.

Please click the image on the right to access their guidance and support for age specific advice.
Lost Property - there will be a table on the playground at the end of the day with all the lost property that has surfaced over the summer.  Please ensure you claim anything that belongs to you.  Anything left will be disposed of as we are unable to store it indefinitely.  It is vitally important that everything that comes into school is labelled.  In order to help with labelling we have sourced 12 labels per KS1 child - these will be sent home today.  Details of the company who supplied them were shared before the holidays and are on the sheet should you wish to order more.
Learner of the Week - we will be using a new system to notify you via the website app if your child has been nominated as the learner of the week for their class. This will be sent out on a Thursday going forward. Certificates will be awarded in our family sharing assemblies on Friday afternoons at 2:45pm.
Road Safety - please consider if you need to drive to school.  If you do, please do so responsibly - adjust your speed as per the conditions, take extra care at junctions where visibility may be hindered, park in consideration for our neighbours and school community.  A parent's car was hit today, accidents happen, but please ensure you do everything you can to prevent them, but also act appropriately when an incident occurs.



PE Kit and earrings - please ensure the children are wearing the appropriate PE uniform as per the guidelines on the website.  Please ensure earrings are removed - taping will not be sufficient.  Any child who cannot remove their earrings independently should have then removed at home.  If they are unable to be removed please note they may have to adapt PE lessons to ensure safety.
Labels - PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE label lunchboxes.  We have had several left on the trolley every night of term thus far - some of which have no names on them.  Please check the trolley at the end of each day for any lost property.  
100 club - Don't forget to sign up before Friday 27th to be entered into the draw. £12 per entry. See link for more info.


Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary.  In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context.  If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

Kittens: next to & under

Squirrels: different & polar

Woodpeckers: compacted & ancient

Foxes: filtration & particle

Our Value this half term is 'Generosity' 

arrow 2.PNG


Mondays - Swimming Woodpeckers Children

Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club for children in years 1-4

Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm ITFC ASC Football for KS2 children

Fridays - 2:45-3:15pm Sharing Assemblies (except 20/09/2024)

17/18 Sep - Mental Health Workshops

20th Sep - Healthy Living Day at Village Hall

20th Sep - 2:45pm MacMillan Event

23-25 Oct - Foxes on PGL

28/10-01/11 - Half Term Week


Learners of the week


Learning Behaviour: Enjoy your learning

Kittens: Howard & Milo

Squirrels: Evelyn & Dottie

Woodpeckers: Teddy & Blake

Foxes: Winter & Talin

Lego Club

This term's theme is The Roman Empire

This week we built Roman Soldiers

Roman Soldiers.jpeg

Please vote on KWB


Reading Giants


This week's reading giants are:




Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.