Copdock Weekly Update 13/12/2024
Information to SharePTA Christmas Fayre - don't forget to make your way to the Village Hall after school today for the PTA Christmas Fayre. There will be a range of stalls available. The children have also made something which you can purchase from the Fayre. The Hot Chocolate stall will be in the Village Hall today rather than on the playground.
PE Changes - due to the performances next week, please note, Woodpeckers will not be doing PE on Monday and Foxes will not be doing PE on Wednesday. Therefore they will need to be in uniform on these days.
Christmas Performances - you should receive confirmation today of tickets for performances next week. Please do not turn up to either performance if you have not been allocated a seat as we will not have space to accommodate you. Fire regulations determine how many people can be in the hall and must be adhered to. If for any reason you are unable to attend, please let us know as there are always people who can use your spare ticket. Children need to be back in school for 5:40pm for the evening performances.
If you are unsure, costume requirements were on last week's weekly news which can be found here
2 of the Christmas Cakes made in our KS2 club will be raffled off at the performances next week. Tickets will be £1 (cash) per strip, available at all performances. One draw will take place at the KS1 evening performance, and the other at the KS2 performance.
Cake Sale - it is the turn of Squirrrels families to supply cakes for the cake sale next Friday afternoon. Please send them in with the children in the morning. Don't forget there will also be hot chocolate for sale from the PTA. Bring your pennies at the end of the day for cakes and hot chocolate.
Last Sharing Assembly of the Year - as Friday is the last day of term we will be hosting the sharing assembly at 9am instead of 2:45pm. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Last Day of Term - Friday 20th is also the end of term. Children are welcome to come into school in festive attire if they choose to, otherwise, uniform as usual. There will be no Forest Schools for Reception children next week. As we approach the end of term, please return any library books or equipment by Thursday so that we are able to log it all in. Please ensure all medication is taken home over the holidays.
Princess Trust - one of our pupils has decided to embrace the current value of compassion by donating their hair to be made into a wig. Once the hair is donated, it costs £700 to produce each wig. If you would like to find out more, or sponsor their trim, please visit this link.
Christmas Sensory Overload - please see the attached document called Managing the Christmas Sensory Overload. It is a support pack provided by the Specialist Education Services to share with parents and it provides strategies and ideas for children and families feeling the emotional and sensory overwhelm at Christmas time.
REMINDERS!!!! Please ensure your child has a named coat or waterproof in school for break times - we do like to get outside even if it's a bit drizzly.
Foxes need to remember clarinets for their lessons on Tuesdays
Earrings must be removed for PE lessons
Please ensure anything brought into school is labelled. Look out for lost property on the lunchbox trolley each evening.
Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful! Kittens: No Squirrels: Words Woodpeckers: This Foxes: Week Our Value this half term is 'Compassion' |
Tuesdays- Foxes to bring in clarinets for their lesson Fridays - 2:45-3:15pm Sharing Assemblies 13/12 3:30-5pm PTA Christmas Fayre - collection from school at 3:15pm 14/12 10am Rehearsal at Copdock Church for Copdock Church Christmas Nativity - All welcome 15/12 10am Copdock Church Christmas Nativity 16/12 2pm KS1 Performance - entry by pre-arranged booking 16/12 6pm KS1 Performance - entry by pre-arranged booking 18/12 2pm KS2 Performance - entry by pre-arranged booking 18/12 6pm KS2 Performance - entry by pre-arranged booking 19/12 KS2 Singing at The Lodge 20/12 Squirrels Cake Sale 20/12 Last Day of Term |
Learners of the week
Learning Behaviour: Improve Kittens: Dalia & Renley Squirrels: Lucas & Xanthe Woodpeckers: Bear & Teddy Foxes: Toby & Arielle |
Lego Club
There was no Lego Club this week but some good news! Our space station build was selected as Fabretta's Favourite! Congratulations |
Reading Giants This week's reading giants are:
Years 4, 5 & 6 |