Copdock Weekly Update 14/03/2025
Information to ShareNew MIS System - as previously advised, we are in the process of switching over to a new management information system. Further information will be sent to you once we know how best to provide parental access. In the meantime, please ensure we are kept up to date with telephone numbers, email addresses, doctors etc. Easter Service - we wanted to give you a heads up for the Easter Service as this will include our traditional Easter Bonnet Parade. This will be held on Thursday 3rd April at 2:30pm in school, so get your thinking caps on to create a beautiful bonnet to wear to the service. There will be a prize per year group for the bonnets worn on the parade. Parent Consultation Evenings - slots for parent consultations will open on Monday morning and close Friday evening. Please log onto the website to book your slot. As always, we ask that you stick to the alloted times and if you feel you might need longer, please contact the office. If you cannot make either session please do let us know. We do ask where possible that just one slot is booked per child. If you have any issues logging into the website or accessing a slot, please let us know as soon as possible. Foxes Dodgeball - U11 dodgeball tournament at Inspire Suffolk next Tuesday during the school day. Parents have already been contacted if your child is attending. Please ensure your child comes into school in their PE kit with water and a packed lunch. The children will be transported in the school minibus and leave mid morning returning after lunch. Year 2 Drama - next Thursday we are welcoming the drama students from Ipswich School to share the performance they have developed following their visit to us last term. Year 2 pupils from across the Federation are looking forward to seeing what they've come up with. Red Nose Day - we will be marking Red Nose Day this year by inviting children into school wearing red in exchange for £1 going directly to Red Nose Day. PTA Chocolate Bingo - next Friday sees the enjoyable Chocolate Bingo hosted by the PTA. Please see attached for details of how to get your tickets. The Big Walk and Wheel Week - we have signed up to 'The Big Walk and Wheel' which runs from the 24th March to 4th April. This is to encourage as many children as possible walk, scoot, wheelchair or cycle to school. During the week, a tally of how many children travelled to school in one of these ways will be kept. If you live further than walking distance then parking in village and walking the final bit means are you eligible! Once our scores are submitted each morning, the school will be entered into a draw to win prizes for the school such as bikes, scooters and skateboarding equipment. We hope you will join us for this fantastic event! |
REMINDERS!!!! Please ensure your child has a named coat or waterproof in school for break times - we do like to get outside even if it's a bit drizzly.
Those Swimming need their kits on Mondays.
Foxes need to remember clarinets for their lessons on Tuesdays.
Reception children need to wear Forest Schools clothing on Fridays and bring welly boots.
Earrings must be removed for PE lessons. Please check the uniform policy to ensure the correct earrings are being worn.
Please ensure anything brought into school is labelled. Look out for lost property on the lunchbox trolley each evening.
Playground sales - we still have lots of seeds on sale for 50p per pack. We are also looking for donations for any of the books on the trolley.
Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful! Kittens: heavy & in Squirrels: binca & running stitch Woodpeckers: permanent & vapour Foxes: chamber & vessel Our Value this half term is 'Perseverence' If you would like to explore this theme at home, see our family leaflet here. |
Mondays - Year 2 Swimming Tuesdays - Foxes Clarinets Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm ITFC Fridays - Reception Forest Schools Fridays - 2:45-3:15pm Sharing Assemblies 18-03 Foxes Dodgeball
20-03 Year 2 Drama Performance
21-03 Red Nose Day
21-03 PTA Chocolate Bingo
24/03-04/04 Big Walk & Wheel
26-03 5-7pm Parent Consultations
27-03 3:30-5:30pm Parent Consultations
28-03 9am Sharing Assembly
28-03 PTA Muffins with Mum Event
Learners of the week Learning Behaviour: Work Hard Kittens: Bailey & Lily Squirrels: Evelyn & Gweny Woodpeckers: Alfie & Willow Foxes: Amilee & Eliana |
Lego Club Our Current Theme is Magic This week's build - Wizard |
Reading Giants This week's reading giants are: Years 2, 4 & 6 |