Copdock Weekly Update 21/06/2024



Information to Share

Swimming - it will be the last swimming session of the academic year on Monday.

Federation Sports Day - as per the details sent out previously, please ensure all children are taken to Copdock Village Hall for 8:45am. The carpark is a one-way system. Please drive in and follow the road around the hall to drop your child at the field gate. Staff will be there to direct you and receive the children. You will then be able to follow the one-way system out. Children need to wear a t-shirt of their designated team colour with PE shorts and trainers.  They will need a water bottle and packed lunch if they have not pre-ordered a hot dinner.  Please ensure they also have sun hat and cream applied, as well as a raincoat.  Families are welcome to join us on the field for a picnic at 12 noon.  Collection will also be from the hall - if your child is due to attend after school club please let the office know so that we can arrange for them to be transported back to school.  Please refer to the letter sent out at the beginning of the month for more details. 

Please see the link to the dance routine which will be part of the Sports Day Opening Ceremony.  Please encourage children to practise this at home.  It would be great if all children could take part. High Hopes - Panic! At The Disco (Coreografia Oficial) Dance Video - YouTube ( 

Lego Club - as it will be a long day at the Village Hall on Tuesday, we will move the session from 25th June to 16th July.

Class Swap - as the year 6 children will be heading to high school this week, our children will be exploring their new classes for September on 26th June.

Year 4 Sleepover - thank you for completing the form regarding the sleepover.  Please ensure the children bring everything they need in the morning.  Please remember to collect the children on Saturday morning at 9.30am

Election News - as there will be a general election this year, we will hold our School Council and Head Pupil elections on the same day - Thursday 4th July.  This will support understanding of the election process and democracy.  Parents can support their children in preparing a speech about why they are a good candidate for the position.  Please see this link for more details and job descriptions.

Suffolk Libraries Reading Challenge - this year's reading challenge as set by Suffolk Libraries is more of a quest - please take a look at the attached poster for more information.



Guitars will be on again on Monday for Foxes.
Please ensure all jumpers/cardigans/lunchboxes & water bottles are labelled - keep an eye on the lunchbox trolley at the end of the day for any lost property.
Please keep on top of payments for school dinners, and the residential trip - all PGL payments must be made by the end of July.
KS1 Mersea Island Trip payments are due by Friday 5th July please.
Pleasurewood Hills payments are due by Friday 28th please.


Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary.  In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context.  If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

Kittens: enough & fast

Squirrels: germination & perennial

Woodpeckers: apply & pollinate

Foxes:  swatch & durability

Our Value this half term is 'Respect' 

arrow 2.PNG

Mondays Guitar

Mondays Swimming

Mondays 3:15-4:15pm ITFC Multi-sport ASC (KS2) 

Tuesdays 2:45-3:15pm Foundation Stay & Play - NOT 25th

Tuesdays 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club - Session 25th moved to 16-07

25th Jun - Federation Sports Day at Village Hall

26/27th Jun - EBHS Transition Days

28th Jun - New Starter Induction

28th Jun - Phonics & Reading Workshop for New Parents

28th Jun - Year 4 Sleepover

1st Jul - School nursing team to see Reception

3rd Jul - Foxes to Pleasurewood Hills

4th Jul - School Council & Head Pupil Elections

5th Jul - New Starter Induction

19th Jul-Leavers assembly at 9am


Learners of the week


Learning Behaviour: Work Hard

Kittens: Dottie & Dorothy

Squirrels: Emily & Isla

Woodpeckers: Finley & Maya

Foxes: Oliver W & Poppy

Lego Club

This week we built a 



Please vote on KWB


Reading Giants


Last week's reading giants were:

Year 3


Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.