Copdock Weekly Update 24/01/2025
Information to ShareAttendance - our current attendance as a school is 97.7% - the national average is 94.8% and the LA average 94.9% - we are above average, well done! Online Safety Webinars for Parents - please see the website here for details of online safety events throughout the year. They are free to attend. We will be marking Safer Internet Day in school on 11th February, reminding children about things to look out for and the importance of following our acceptable use policy to stay safe online. Remind yourself about these by locating them on the policy page. Uniform Reminders - as per the uniform policy found on the website here, please note, if your child wears earrings, they must be plain studs and removed for PE or swimming. Other styles of earrings are not allowed on health and safety grounds. A new uniform order will be available on next week's newsletter. Packed Lunch Policy - we are looking for parents who would like to form part of a working party looking into the creation of a packed lunch policy. If you would like to be involved, please contact the office. Assessments - please see this link containing information for parents from the government about statutory and optional assessments. This is relevant for Year 6 families. IPSSA Cross Country - if any children in years 4, 5 or 6 would be interested in running the annual cross country event at the Royal Hospital School, they need to let us know. However, participation is dependant on parental support. The event is to be held on Wednesday 2nd April, parents need to arrange transport for their child to and from the event - arrival at 1pm, estimated completion time is 3:30pm - pupils are expected to stay for the duration of the event to support their teammates. Year 4s will need to be able to run 1500m, Foxes need to be able to run 2200m - at a sustainable pace for the race distance. Please take all of this into consideration before putting your name forward. Please let the office know by Friday 31st. Seeds - seeds will continue to be available for purchase @ 50p per pack after school next week. Please pop your money in the honesty box. If the weather is wet, they will be available just inside the door to the office. PTA Events - please see the attached posters for upcoming PTA events. In summary, there will be a Friendship Disco held on Friday 7th February 3:45-4:45pm at the Village Hall. Those attending the disco can come into school in their disco clothing as long as it is appropriate for school - especially footwear for walking to the hall. If your child is attending the disco, you MUST let the office know by Thursday 6th that they need to be walked up after school - this is to ensure we have the correct ratios for taking the children there. Join us for lots of fun, games and dancing with friends. Tickets are just £3.50 each including a snack and unlimited drinks! Please speak to a PTA member to purchase your tickets. Looking further ahead, there will be a dress down day for all on Friday 14th February with the theme of Wear What You Love - in exchange for donations towards the Easter Chocolate Hamper or Mother's Day Hamper - more details next week. |
REMINDERS!!!! Please ensure your child has a named coat or waterproof in school for break times - we do like to get outside even if it's a bit drizzly.
Those Woodpeckers who are swimming need their kits on Mondays
Foxes need to remember clarinets for their lessons on Tuesdays
Reception children need to wear Forest Schools clothing on Fridays and bring welly boots
Earrings must be removed for PE lessons
Please ensure anything brought into school is labelled. Look out for lost property on the lunchbox trolley each evening.
Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful! Kittens: fat & few Squirrels: construct & balance Woodpeckers: compression & consequence Foxes: tyrant & armoured Our Value this half term is 'Perseverence' If you would like to explore this theme at home, see our family leaflet here. |
Mondays - Woodpeckers Swimming Tuesdays - Foxes Clarinets Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm KS2 ITFC Multi-sports Fridays - Reception Forest Schools Fridays - 2:45-3:15pm Sharing Assemblies 31-01 - Governor Visit Day
03-07 Feb - Children's Mental health week
06-02 - 2.30pm Coffee and Chat for parents as part of mental health week
07-02 - 3:45-4:45pm PTA Disco
14-02 - 2.15pm Coffee and Chat for parents on the topic of spellings
Learners of the week
Learning Behaviour: Working Hard Kittens: Una & Lily Squirrels: Lucas & Ellie Woodpeckers: Finley & William Foxes: Elsie & Oliver |
Lego Club Our Current Theme is Transport This week's build - Gondola |
Reading Giants This week's reading giants are:
Years 3, 4 & 6 |