Copdock Weekly Update 24/05/2024


Information to Share

Shared Learning - on the first Friday after half term we will be hosting our regular opportunity for parents to come into school to take a look at their child's learning from 2:45pm, for those will more than one child, please come into school from 2:30pm.  Please ensure you leave the classroom to wait on the playground at 3:10pm.  If you have younger siblings who need to attend with you, please make an appointment with the class teacher.

After School Clubs -  we will be continuing to offer the ITFC Club on Mondays wtih field games as the focus for next half term.  This will be open to KS2 children who can sign up via the website.  It will start on the first Monday after half term and run until 8th July.  Therefore 6 sessions priced at £2 per session.  Please ensure payment is made prior to the club commencing on Monday 3rd June either via the website or cash in a named envelope on that day.  Coding Club will not be continuing next half term.  Lego Club will continue on Tuesdays for children in years 1-4 - please see attached letter to book onto the club directly through Kids with Bricks.

Governor Elections - you should have received a notification via the website about our Parent Governor election.  Please do complete the short form to share your views.  Both candidate statements are available on the link for your information.  Closing date to respond is Monday 3rd June.

PTA - our PTA work really hard behind the scenes to put on events for our children to enjoy.  They raise amazing amounts of money to support the school in providing experiences for the children - see the notices around school for amounts donated.  Please do all you can to support them by attending events, helping at events or offering your services at meetings and becoming part of the team.  Please help at the fete if you can - more volunteers means shorter stints!  We will be hosting a dress down day on Friday 14th June to support a stall at the summer fete.  Please support this by sending children in non-uniform in exchange for a bottle - clothing should be appropriate for a learning environment.

2nd Hand Uniform - don't forget to bring some pennies at collection this afternoon as there will be a 2nd hand uniform sale - if you missed the order this week, why not take a look!

Lost Property - please ensure you take a look at the top shelf of the lunchbox trolley.  This is where we place any items of lost property - whether it be jumpers/cardigans, lunch tubs or water bottles.  Come the end of the school year, anything remaining on there will be disposed of appropriately.  Please remember to label everything - that way it won't end up on the trolley.

Dates for Next Half Term

03/06 Visit to The Hold Foxes
05/06 Visit to Ipswich Buddhist Centre Foxes
07/06 Shared Learning All Parents
11/06 Class Photos All
12/06 Sailing Foxes
14/06 PTA Dress Down - bottle exchange All
14/06 Teddy Bear's Picnic New Starters
17/06 PTA Meeting All
19/06 Crucial Crew Foxes
19/06 ITFC Visit to Playford Road Year 1
21/06 Induction Morning New Starters
25/06 Sports Day @ Village Hall Federation
26/06 & 27/06 High School Transition Year 6
28/06 Induction Morning New Starters
28/06 Phonics & Reading Workshop New Starters' Parents
28/06 Sleepover Year 4
03/07 Pleasurewood Hills Trip Foxes
05/07 Induction Morning New Starters
08/07 Visit to Suffolk One Year 2
09/07 Visit to Mersea Island KS1
09/07 Quad Kids Foxes
10/07 Quad Kids Woodpeckers
12/07 Induction Morning & Lunch New Starters
19/07 Last Day of Term All

Federation Sports Day - this will be held at Copdock Village hall on Tuesday 25th June.  The event will begin with a picnic lunch at 12pm.  More information will follow after half term.

The Hold - on the first day back, Foxes will be out on a trip to The Hold, parents were emailed with details on 9th May.  Children should wear school uniform and bring a packed lunch.



Housekeeping Reminders - as we reach the end of another half term, please ensure an adult collects any medication from school to ensure it is needed to be stored at school and is still in date.  Please consult the website for the correct uniform to be worn as we return after half term, and ensure all items are labelled - especially jumpers/cardigans.  Lunch boxes and in particular, drinks bottles should also be labelledEarrings should not be worn for PE - the PE uniform requirements are also on the website.  Dinner should be paid for as taken in KS2.  Please keep the office up to date with any changes of phone numbers or email addresses etc.  Always check the newsletter for details of things coming up!
The next installment for the PGL trip is due at the end of the month.  Please ensure you keep up with payments - the website allows you to monitor any outstanding amounts assuming all payments have been made electronically.  We kindly remind you that the whole payment is due by the end of July 2024, which is only 2 months away!
Don't forget to check out our website for information on events happening soon including holiday clubs, sporting sessions and more!


Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary.  In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context.  If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

Kittens: dark & day

Squirrels: motif & abstract

Woodpeckers: chord & Sikh

Foxes:  capillary & ventricle

Our Value this half term is 'Friendship' 

arrow 2.PNG

Mondays Swimming

Mondays 3:15-4:15pm ITFC Multi-sport ASC (KS2) 

Tuesdays 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club

Tuesdays 2:45-3:15pm Foundation Stay & Play

27-31 May - Half Term Week

Mon 3rd Jun - Return to School

Mon 3rd Jun - Foxes visit to Suffolk Archives 

Mon 3rd Jun - Parent Governor Election Deadline

Wed 5th Jun - Foxes visit to Buddhist Centre

Fri 7th Jun - Shared Learning


Learners of the week

Learning Behaviour: Improve

Kittens: Sofia & Dorothy

Squirrels: Harry & Casey

Woodpeckers: Willow & Nancy

Foxes: Darcy & Pippa

Lego Club

This week we built a Puffer fish

Puffa Fish.jpeg

Please vote on KWB

Reading Giants


Last week's reading giants were:

Years 1 & 3


Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.