Copdock Weekly Update 27/09/2024
Information to Share100 Club - today is the deadline for entering our 100 Club giving you a chance every month to win a cash prize! Please see the website for further details if you haven't yet joined the fun, but be quick - must be done today. Lost Property - today is your last opportunity to grab items from the lost property. Everything needs to go. Whatever is left will be disposed of this evening as it has been available all week and is left over from the previous academic year. Any lost property from THIS academic year finds it's way to the lunchbox trolley if it does not have a name in it. We will be disposing of this every couple of weeks if not collected. Please help us by ensuring all uniform including PE kit is labelled, especially after washing. We keep finding items which are not named and cannot get them back to you. Thank you to those of you who have already done this, it has really helped. MacMillan Event - thank you to everyone who supported our MacMillan event last week. We hope you enjoyed the cakes and performances. We raised just under £300 - thank you for your kind donations to this wonderful charity. Lunch Change - please see the attached flyer for a menu change next Thursday - our caterers are offering an Ice Cream Factory Lunch. There is no need to pre-order, jackets will also be available. Harvest Festival - we will be hosting our annual harvest festival at the church on Thursday 10th October. Parents are welcome to join us with parking available at Copdock Hall. Please note ALL children need to be collected from the church on this occasion. If your child will be attending after school club, please confirm to us to ensure we are aware they need bringing back to school. High School Applications - year 6 parents have until the end of October to apply for a high school place from September 2025. Please ensure you get the application in well in advance of the deadline! Shared Learning - 8th November 2.45pm in place of family assembly - we will be inviting parents into school after half term so they can sit with their child and share their learning, in books on display, within the environment. Please do try to join us if you can as it provides an opportunity for your child to showcase what they have achieved and where they are working hard to continue to develop their skills. Having a chance to verbalise this with an adult from home is extremely valuable and encourages continued pride and engagement in learning. Reception parents will have the opportunity to explore the environment alongside their child so they can explain what they like to do when at school. Some learning will also be in books but most is very practical at this stage in their learning journey.
Coffee and Chat - 8th November 2.15pm - this is an opportunity to join Miss Cross before shared learning to find out about our new handwriting approach and chat about the school curriculum. Please let us know if you can come so we can have refreshments available.
School Meals - our meals provider, LunchtimeCo, are keen to work with families to ensure as many children as possible take up the option of a school meal, especially if fully funded by the government. They will be holding a taster session on Friday 18th October, from 2pm, so parents can sample some food from the menu and discuss possible tweaks to increase uptake. Please come along if possible to help shape this provision going forwards.
Open Day for Prospective Parents - we will be holding our open event on Wednesday 13th November, 9.30am and 6pm. Please share the word if you know anyone looking for a school place in September 2025. Posters will be sent out to nurseries shortly. PTA Halloween Disco - please see attached poster for details of the next PTA event. Join us for a spooktackular disco on Friday 25th October at Copdock Village Hall. The evening will be full of tricks and treats for all. The disco will finish at 4:45 with the raffle draw following at 5pm. Dressing up is highly encouraged. Can't wait to see you there. 👻 Grab your tickets now for just £4! 👻 PGL - please ensure the Educational Visits form sent home earlier this week is completed and returned by 18th October at the latest. Lockdown Procedure - as we're sure you are aware, we regularly test our fire drill (evacuation) procedures. All schools have to have a Lockdown Policy. We will be talking about this with children next week in an age-appropriate way. There is no need to discuss this at home in advance, but just in case they talk to you about it afterwards we wanted to make you aware. |
REMINDERS!!!! As the weather has turned more autumnal, please ensure your child has a named coat or waterproof in school for break times - we do like to get outside even if it's a bit drizzly.
Those in Woodpeckers who are swimming need to remember their kits on Mondays
Reception children need to wear their Forest Schools clothing on Fridays
Earrings must be removed for PE lessons
Please ensure anything brought into school is labelled. Look out for lost property on the lunchbox trolley each evening.
Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful! Kittens: around & over Squirrels: bristles & ferrule Woodpeckers: meta & morph Foxes: native & famine Our Value this half term is 'Generosity' |
Mondays - Swimming Woodpeckers Children Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club for children in years 1-4 Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm ITFC ASC Football for KS2 children Fridays - Reception Forest Schools Fridays - 2:45-3:15pm Sharing Assemblies Fri 27th - 100 Club Deadline 03-10 - Ice Cream Factory Lunch 07-10 - Parents PGL Meeting 10-10 - Harvest Festival at the Church - ALL children to be collected from the church 18-10 - Afternoon Tea for Parents 18-10 - First Class Supplement 23-25 - Oct Foxes on PGL 25-10 - PTA HAlloween Disco 28/10-01/11 - Half Term Week Thu 31st Oct - Deadline for applying for high school |
Learners of the week
Learning Behaviour: Work Hard Kittens: Osian & Tahlia Squirrels: Otis & Lucas Woodpeckers: Harry & Bella Foxes: Oliver & Ellie |
Lego Club This term's theme is The Roman Empire This week we built A Roman Chariot Please vote on KWB |
Reading Giants This week's reading giants are: Year 5 |