Copdock Weekly Update 28/06/2024



Information to Share

PTA Ice Cream Fridays - today our Ice Cream Fridays start 🍦 There will be a variety of ice creams and ice lollies for sale on the playground at the end of the day.  It's cash only so make sure you bring your pennies 💰

Driving/parking - please ensure when driving or parking near school, to be considerate of other road users.  Maintain a sensible speed in areas where you know children are likely to be crossing.  Please park safely and considerately.

Class Photos - as you know Bentley Photographic took some lovely class photos last week.  The 'proofs' were sent via email link earlier in the week.  Please note the strict deadline of 3rd July to get your prints delivered free of charge to school.  If you have any issues accessing the website or links, please contact the email address given on the email for assistance.

Year 4 Sleepover - don't forget to collect your child in the morning ;-)

Pleasurewood Hills - children should arrive at normal time on Wednesday for the trip to Pleasurewood Hills.  They can wear non-uniform but should dress appropriately for the weather conditions.  They will need 2 packed lunches and plenty of drinks as per the letter previously sent home.  Children are due back around 7:25pm depending on traffic.  TBC

Elections - just a reminder that the elections for school council and head pupils will take place on Thursday.  Please help your child at home to practice their speeches if they wish to stand for election.

Change of menu-Thursday 4th July - the menu will be beef or quorn burger with wedges, rocket lolly or sliced melon for dessert.

Online safety update - really helpful guides to support transition to high school can be found here  You may also be interested to know that some apps allow family pairing which, depending on the app, can do a variety of things such as:
  • Manage screen time.
  • Apply restricted mode (content restrictions).
  • Manage who children are talking to and what's being shared (including images).
These links describe what family pairing is, the features available and how to set it up: TikTok - HERE.   Snapchat - HERE   YouTube - HERE  Instagram - HERE


Guitars will be on again on Monday for Foxes.
Please ensure all jumpers/cardigans/lunchboxes & water bottles are labelled - keep an eye on the lunchbox trolley at the end of the day for any lost property.
Please keep on top of payments for school dinners, and the residential trip - all PGL payments must be made by the end of July.
KS1 Mersea Island Trip payments are due by Friday 5th July please.
Pleasurewood Hills payments are due TODAY please.


Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary.  In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context.  If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

Kittens: fat & few

Squirrels: coastal & island

Woodpeckers: niche & Guru Granth Sahib

Foxes:  functional & repurpose

Our Value this half term is 'Respect' 

arrow 2.PNG

Mondays Guitar

Mondays 3:15-4:15pm ITFC Multi-sport ASC (KS2) 

Tuesdays 2:45-3:15pm Foundation Stay & Play

Tuesdays 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club

1st Jul - School nursing team to see Reception

3rd Jul - Foxes to Pleasurewood Hills

4th Jul - School Council & Head Pupil Elections

5th Jul - New Starter Induction

8th Jul - Yr2 Visit to Suffolk One

9th Jul - Foxes Quad Kids

10th Jul - Woodpeckers Quad Kids

12th Jul - Top Class Edition of Local News

12th Jul - New Starter Induction including Lunch


Learners of the week


Learning Behaviour: Push Yourself

Kittens: Howard & Lucas

Squirrels: Bear & Teddy

Woodpeckers: Elias & Bella

Foxes: David & Pippa

Lego Club


There was no Lego Club this week due to our Federation Sports Day


Please vote on KWB


Reading Giants


Last week's reading giants were:

Year 1, 3, 4 & 6



Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.