Copdock Weekly Update 31/01/2025
Information to ShareUniform Order - please see the attached order form. The deadline is Friday 7th February. Please ensure that payment is made at the same time as sending in the order form, this can be done either in cash or by cheque to the office, or via the website. We do need a completed order form please to be able to place your order as this contains the sizing information. Cross Country - today is the deadline for signing up children in years 4, 5 or 6 to take part in the cross country at RHS. Parents need to email the office to confirm they're able to transport to and from the event. If we do not have enough children to form a team, we will not be able to attend the event. More details were on last week's newsletter. Coffee & Chat - next week is Children's Mental Health Week, we have lots planned in school including a visit from the Mental Health Support Team who will be presenting an assembly and workshop to the children, followed by a coffee and chat session for parents from 2:30pm onwards. There is no need to pre-book, just turn up on the day. PTA Friendship Disco - please note, if your child is attending the PTA disco next Friday and you would like them walked up to the Village Hall by school staff at the end of the day, please ensure you have let the office know by Thursday lunchtime at 1pm. The list will be closed at this point and only illness will be amended from that point onwards. Anyone not on the list needs to be collected from school. Those attending the disco (tickets available from PTA members) can come into school in their disco clothing - this must be appropriate for learning during the day and footwear needs to be sound for walking up to the hall. For more details or information about the disco please see the attached poster or contact the PTA either in person or via email at this address [email protected] - tickets can be paid for in cash via the school office provided it is in a labelled envelope - these will be collected and passed to the PTA. Please contact the PTA for other methods of payment. PTA Wear What You Love Day - the PTA are inviting children to come into school on Friday 14th February wearing what they love. Again, this does need to be condusive to learning. In exchange for wearing non-uniform children are asked to donate to a hamper for one of the upcoming PTA events. This can be something chocolatey forming a hamper for the raffle prizes at the Easter Chocolate Bingo, or something motherly for the Mothers Day hamper to be raffled at the Muffins with Mum event. There will be more details about both of these events coming soon. |
REMINDERS!!!! Please ensure your child has a named coat or waterproof in school for break times - we do like to get outside even if it's a bit drizzly.
Those Woodpeckers who are swimming need their kits on Mondays
Foxes need to remember clarinets for their lessons on Tuesdays
Reception children need to wear Forest Schools clothing on Fridays and bring welly boots
Earrings must be removed for PE lessons
Please ensure anything brought into school is labelled. Look out for lost property on the lunchbox trolley each evening.
As we approach half term, please ensure all KS2 dinners are paid for. If you don't know how much is owed, please ask.
Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful! Kittens: first & forwards Squirrels: legacy & expedition Woodpeckers: resist & contact Foxes: sanctuary & salary Our Value this half term is 'Perseverence' If you would like to explore this theme at home, see our family leaflet here. |
Mondays - Woodpeckers Swimming Tuesdays - Foxes Clarinets Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm KS2 ITFC Multi-sports Fridays - Reception Forest Schools Fridays - 2:45-3:15pm Sharing Assemblies 31-01 - Deadline for IPSSA Cross Country
03-07 Feb - Children's Mental Health Week
06-02 1:00pm Deadline for notifying office of walkers to disco
06-02 2.30pm - Coffee and Chat for parents from MHST
07-02 - Deadline for Uniform Orders
07-02 3:45-4:45pm - PTA Disco
11-02 - Forever Friends Day Menu Change
11-02 - Foxes Basketball Tournament
14-02 - Wear What You Love
14-02 2.15pm - Coffee and Chat for parents "Spellings"
14-02 - Squirrels Class Assembly
14-02 - Woodpeckers Cake Sale
17-21 Feb - Half Term
Learners of the week
Learning Behaviour: Push Yourself Kittens: Lorenzo & Howard Squirrels: Phoenix & Isabella Woodpeckers: Oscar & Aiyana Foxes: Winter & Louie |
Lego Club Our Current Theme is Transport This week's build - Supercars |
Reading Giants This week's reading giants are:
Years 4 & 6 |