Copdock End of Year Newsletter 19/07/2024

IMG_0259.JPGLunch boxes left on the trolley - have been emptied but will be disposed off at the end of the first week back if not claimed!

Information to Share

Farewell - this morning we bid farewell to our year 6 children as they make their way off to high school and new adventures.  We wish them all the best for the future.  We wish everyone else a very happy summer and look forward to seeing you all again on 4th September.  Look out for emails on the PD days to update you on anything you need to be aware of.

School Council Results - following speeches and voting last week, our school council for next year comprises Evelyn, Gweny, Ellie P, Bear, Darcie, Nancy, George B, Willow, Eliana and Pippa.  Well done to everyone who put themselves forward.

Medication - please note, any medication held in school will be sent home today.  This must be collected by an adult - if your child usually walks home without an adult and has medication in school, please ensure someone comes to collect it at the end of the day.

Lost Property - please do take a moment to check for lost property on the top of the lunchbox trolley - the numbers of jumpers on there has been growing in recent weeks.  Please, please, please ensure all items are labelled in the new year.  insert tenuous link ;-)

Label News - to help with labelling items, we have joined forces with Labels4Schools who are sending us a dozen free labels for children in KS1.  They will also supply labels for KS2 children at a discounted rate if parents want to order them - please see the attached posters for more details on how to purchase them.  These will be essential for labelling new smart uniform for September - the uniform requirements are on the website here.

Menu - the current menu will continue in the autumn term until the October half term.  There has been a slight adjustment to a couple of the days following feedback from pupils, so it might be worth taking a look at the latest version, attached to the newsletter.  It can also be located on the website here.  Don't forget, the Lunchtime Lunchbox is NOT offered at our school.

Monies - please ensure all dinners are paid for by the end of the day.  If your child is moving into year 3, you will need to start to pay for any hot dinners.  If you feel you may qualify for free school meals, please complete the relevant paperwork - see attached poster.  Any outstanding payments for PGL are due by the end of the month please.

Holiday Homework - times tables have been set for the children over the holidays.  Their login details are on a label in their diary.  We would also like to encourage the children to read over the holidays, there are lots of online books available via and the login details are: 

Y5/6 - af56 / bcps
Y3/4 - wh34 / bcps
YR12 - were/ bcps
Library Reading Quest - Suffolk Libraries Summer Reading Quest started on Saturday 13th July.  The website below explains all of the details and the children have been spoken to in collective worship.  There are posters in each classroom advertising the quest.  If the children bring their certificate into school in September, they can have an extra sticker on the Reading Giants chart and be entered into a prize draw.
Attendance Policy UpdateWe are in the process of updating our attendance policy in line with changes from the DfE. This will come into effect from September.  Further details were attached to last week's newsletter.  This is important information for parents as there are some significant changes.
3rd Party Information - please take a look at the website for details of holiday clubs and events taking place over the summer in the Local Clubs & Events section - this is constantly added to during the year and offers a wealth of opportunities.  The information shared contains details we have been asked to share with our families, we are not necessarily promoting or suggesting them, just allowing families to investigate and make up their own minds.


Term Dates 2024-25
Keep an eye on emails on the PD days for details of clubs next term
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term

02/09 PD Day

03/09 PD Day

04/09 Pupils Return to School - gates open 8:35am

28/10-01/11 Half Term

04/11 PD Day

05/11 Pupils Return to School

20/12 Last Day of Term

06/01 PD Day

07/01 Pupils Return to School

17-21/02 Half Term

24/02 Pupils Return to School

04/04 Last Day of Term

22/04 Pupils Return to School

26/05-30/05 Half Term

02/06 PD Day

03/06 Pupils Return to School

22/07 Last Day of Term


Dates for the Diary

Friday 6th September
We would like all parents to come and spend some time with us on Friday 6th September to share the expectations and routine for the class, how to access communication and support your child in learning throughout the year. We are keen to work in partnership with you to ensure your child is as successful as possible in their learning.
Kittens and Squirrels - 2.40pm
Woodpeckers and Foxes - 2.50pm
Friday 20th September - Federation Learning Day
Children will be joining together to explore Healthy Living with a range of activities to engage their mind and body.  Parents are invited to join us for the end of the day as we gather for our annual Macmillan fundraiser.  Arrival from 2.35pm.  Info to follow.


Autumn Term Highlights

06/09 Welcome Session

09/09 Swimming Starts

20/09 Federation Learning Day

23-25/10 Foxes PGL

08/11 Individual School Photos

14/11 Flu Vaccinations

Lego Club

This week we built Lizards


Please vote on KWB


Reading Giants


Last week's reading giants were:

Years 1, 2 & 4



Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.