Wolves 22.11.21
Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 7:22pm
Welcome back to another week of learning.- this week we are trying to have a go on our own and push ourselves.
Don't forget Parents Evenings this week at end of the afternoon for Reception outside wth Mrs Rivers and with me on Wednesday evening on Teams. Unfortunately I will have to move the Thursday Parents Evening due to a bereavement in my family, a new date will come out on Monday, sincere apologies for this.
Wednesday is Non-uniform day in exchange for tombola items and lucky dip items for the Fayre.
Friday we will be doing cross country at the field, so drop off there please. Morning Club will walk down with staff.
Words of the Week
Reception – next, narrow
Yr1/2 – features, construct, opaque, transparent
We will be writing letters to Ruby from the book Ruby's worry and be using number lines to add and subtract. We will be learning about opaque and transparent materials in Science and trying out a paper template for our puppets we have designed in DT.
Mrs Rudge x