Woodpeckers wb 14.2.22
Date: 13th Feb 2022 @ 8:38am
Good morning Woodepcker families,
I hope you had a lovely weekend and ready for our final week before we break up for half term.
Our learning behaviour of the week is, 'Improve' and our value is 'Courage'.
Vocabulary words this week are: 'communities' and 'stereotypes'.
PE Kits to be worn on Monday and bring swimming kits Monday.
Swimming - If your child is in Rose's group, they will need a t-shirt and shorts or PJ's for their lesson on Monday please.
Tuesday - Trip to Suffolk Food Hall - we will be leaving and returning in the school day. Children need to wear their school jumpers and polo shirts but tracksuit bottoms/waterproof trousers can be worn with this. We will be going outside, so please ensure your child has a coat and wearing appropriate footwear. They will need a packed lunch and a drink.
This week will be finishing off our topic, Maths and English units.
On Wednesday we will be having an RE morning where we will consolidate all that we have learnt about the Hindu belief of Karma. We will be creating a powerpoint presentation on the acts of kindness during the Hindu SEWA day.
After the half term we will be starting our Multiplication and then division unit in Maths- please keep practising your times tables regularly as fluency in these will really be needed in all areas of maths but especially next half term.
The new homework sheet for Spring 2 will be sent out this week as a hard copy and one has been attached below for your reference. Please remember to choose 1 activity from the first side as your choice and then you must complete the English set homework each week along with your 5 reads and times table practise- this is due in each Tuesday. You also need to practise your spellings ready for your Friday test.
Have a super week Woodpeckers.
Mrs Collins