Bentley Weekly Update 11/10/2024


Important Information to Share

Meals Changing - after half term a new menu will be in place.  This will also enable you to select a Lunchtime Lunchbox.  Please note we will be increasing the cost of a school meal to £2.80 from 5th November.  Therefore we kindly ask that all meals taken before half term are paid for by we break up on 25th October. Thank you to those who attended our food taster session today. We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to speak to our lunch provider. Please see attached poster.

First Class Supplement - the reception class photos will be published in the paper on Friday 18th October.

Harvest Festival - this will take place on 17th October at St Mary's Church.  Parents are invited to join us as we celebrate harvest, with some singing and prayers.  Please drop your children at the church for usual start time of 8.45am.  As we will be walking back to school, please ensure your child has a raincoat on the day.  If you would like to make a contribution to the harvest collection, please send in any tinned/packet food (in good date) with your child on the morning.  These will be added to the church collection before distribution. Please can Worship Group and Head Pupils practise their words for the harvest festival ready for a rehearsal on Tuesday.

Y2 Drama Workshop - Y2 will be taking part in a drama workshop at Copdock next Thursday afternoon (17th). Children will be taken in the minibus leaving here at 1:30pm but as the workshop finishes at 3:15pm please can parents collect from Copdock.  Any children attending ASC will be taken by staff.
Amen Shoebox Appeal - we will be supporting the shoebox appeal alongside the church once again this year, linking this to our value of generosity with the children.  Leaflets are available in school if you wish to complete your own box.  However, we also welcome any small gifts from our families so the children can make up boxes with the donations received.  More information about suitable gifts can be found on the attached poster.  The deadline for gifts is half term, allowing time for boxes to be packed and prepared for delivery.  Thank you in advance for your support.
Essential Roadworks- 28/10/24-31/10/24 - See attached poster




School Council Snack Shop - school council are starting their snack shop from next week. Children can bring 20p to purchase rice cakes, bread sticks and crackers for snack at playtime.
Wednesday 23rd October 2.30pm - Hedgehogs adults welcome to come into school and spend time with their child to find out more about their healthy living learning.
High School Applications - year 6 parents have until the end of October to apply for a high school place for September 2025.  Please ensure you get the application in well in advance of the deadline.
Friday 13th December 2pm - Adders adults welcome  to come into school and spend time with their child to find out more about their healthy living learning.
Supervision at end of day - please ensure you know where your children are at the end of the day so they can be supervised safely whilst on the school site.  Staff are often chatting to parents following handover so are not able to also supervise the children.
Open Day for Prospective Parents - Thursday 7th November. Please pass on this to anyone who is looking for a school place ready for September.
PGL - please ensure the Educational Visits form sent home is completed and returned by 18th October at the latest.
Fiorest School Friday - Reception children need to come to school ready for Forest School at Copdock please. DOn't forget a change  in case we get very muddy! 


Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary. In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context. If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

Wolves:  capital and verb  

Hedgehogs:  soil and transform  

Adders: filtration and polytheistic


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17th Oct - Harvest at church 9am

17th Oct- Yr 2 chn to be collected from Copdock Primary at 3.15pm

23rd October 2.30pm- Hedgehogs Healthy Living for parents 

23rd-25th Oct - Adder's PGL residential

28/10-01/11 - Half Term Week

Thu 31st Oct - Deadline for applying for high school

Fri 8th Nov - Coffee and chat 2.15pm followed by shared learning

Fri 13th Dec-2pm Adders Healthy Living for parents 


Learners of the week

Wolves:  Kaya and Arabella

Hedgehogs:   Tom, Cordy, Philippa and Ellie

Adders Erin and Sophia

Value this term is Generosity. See the family leaflet for ideas you could discuss at home.

Well done to Luther, Safire and Erin, Ace and Ben for demonstating this value in action.


Reading Giants

This is our weekly Reading Challenge!  

Our last reading GIANTS were ...ADDERS,  well done!




Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.