Copdock Weekly Update 14/02/2025


Information to Share

Coffee & Chat - this afternoon's coffee and chat starts at 2:15pm for those wishing to know more about spellings.  This will be hosted by our Federation Literacy Lead, Mrs Robinson.  Followed by the Squirrels class assembly.

Woodpeckers Cake Sale - please note the PTA have postponed the Woodpeckers cake sale until next half term - date TBC - due to the amount of illness in school this week.

Mid-Year Reports and Shared Learning - teachers have been writing a mid-year report to share updates on your child's progress.  These will be sent out electronically straight after half term.  This will allow you to read your child's report before joining us for shared learning on Friday 28th February to share books with your child.  This will be instead of family assembly at 2.45pm.  If you have more than one child, please feel free to join us from 2.30pm to allow enough time for you to chat to your children.

Food Policy - we will be hosting a coffee & chat at 2:15pm on Friday 28th February, ahead of the shared learning, to discuss the Whole School Food Policy, please join us.

Governor Visit DayGovernors and the LA standards and excellence partner recently joined children and staff to see learning in action across both of our schools.  They were able to gain a wide range of evidence to help them extend their working knowledge of our schools during every day life.  Governors were impressed with the quality of the children’s handwriting, along with the positive learning behaviour seen in lessons.  It was great to see them recognise the tremendous hard work of both children and staff, joining us in celebrating the provision in place to meet the needs of our communities. 

Inclusion and SEND questionnaire - following our recent questionnaire, the Personnel Committee would like to share some feedback with parents.  Thank you to those who shared their views.

Curriculum Support for Parents - we have launched more videos to support you with curriculum activities at home.  Many of you welcomed access to videos and guidance online so you could go back to them when you had time.  The videos have been uploaded on this page Bentley CEVC & Copdock Primary Federation: Parent Support Videos.  We will be adding to this page during the year and will be focusing on Maths support videos next as part of our calculation strategies.

Safer Internet - Head Pupils led an assembly on this important topic and classes explored this year's theme, 'Too Good To Be True', all about online scams.  Please check out our online safety pages of the website for advice and support, including webinars for parents. Bentley CEVC & Copdock Primary Federation: Online Safety.  If you are concerned about online scams, ParentZone have produced some useful information - see here for more details.

After School Clubs - when we return after half term, Lego Club will continue on a Tuesday after school.  To secure your spot please see the attached letter from Kids With Bricks who administer the club.  Our ITFC Tuesday after school club will be open to children in years 2-4.  Places will be offered initially to girls who are interested in playing in the under 8's football tournament.  Additional spaces will then be offered to the boys.  This club will be running from Tuesday 25th February until 1st April 3:15-4:15pm, and will be free of charge.

Assembly Schedule - please see attached our new Family Sharing Assembly Schedule.  This will start after half term and run until the end of the school year in July.  Assemblies start at 2:45pm.

Kittens Clothing - if you have borrowed any clothes from Kittens class, please ensure they are washed and returned as we are running low, particularly on pants and socks.

Desk To Go - please see attached photos of a desk we are looking to re-home.  It's 140cm by 80cm at the square end, the back of the shaped end has been cut away to fit around something.  If you are interested in offering it a new home please let the office know.  It is dismantled and ready to go.



Please ensure your child has a named coat or waterproof in school for break times - we do like to get outside even if it's a bit drizzly.
Those Swimmers notified earlier this week, need their kits on Mondays.
Foxes need to remember clarinets for their lessons on Tuesdays.
Reception children need to wear Forest Schools clothing on Fridays and bring welly boots.
Earrings must be removed for PE lessons.  Please check the uniform policy to ensure the correct earrings are being worn.
Please ensure anything brought into school is labelled.  Look out for lost property on the lunchbox trolley each evening.
As we approach half term, please ensure all KS2 dinners are paid for.  If you don't know how much is owed, please ask.
Playground sales - we still have lots of seeds on sale for 50p per pack.  We are also looking for donations for any of the books on the trolley.


Every week we encourage parents to support their children to learn and use new vocabulary.  In school we will be exploring the origin of new words, what they mean and how to use them effectively in context.  If you can encourage your child to use these words it would be really helpful!

Kittens: No

Squirrels: Words

Woodpeckers: This

Foxes: Week

Our Value this half term is 'Perseverence' If you would like to explore this theme at home, see our family leaflet here

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Mondays - Woodpeckers Swimming

Tuesdays - Foxes Clarinets 

Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club

Tuesdays - 3:15-4:15pm ITFC 

Fridays - Reception Forest Schools

Fridays - 2:45-3:15pm Sharing Assemblies

17-21 Feb - Half Term
24-02 Pupils return to school
28-02 2:15pm Coffee & Chat - Whole School Food Policy
28-02 2:45pm Shared Learning
06-03 World Book Day

Learners of the week


Learning Behaviour: Don't Give Up

Kittens: Osian & Albert

Squirrels: Jack & Ellie

Woodpeckers: Lilah & Emily

Foxes: Oscar & George

Lego Club

Our Current Theme is Transport

This week's build - Cablecars

Cable Cars.jpeg

Reading Giants


This week's reading giants are:


Year 2




Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.