Copdock - Woodpeckers: Gallery
Year 4 sleepover, by Mrs Austin
End of SATs, by Mrs Windmill
Chance to Shine, by Mrs Windmill
16th-19th October Activity Week, by Miss Cross
Year 4 Sleepover, by Mrs Austin
Talent Show, by Mrs Austin
Quad Kids 2023, by Miss Cross
STEM Inventor Day, by Mrs Austin
Woodpeckers Classroom Destroyed!!, by Mrs Windmill
Greek morning , by Miss Tarrant
Rio Carnival dance workshop, by Miss Tarrant
Greek pottery , by Miss Tarrant
The great Woodpecker bread off, by Miss Tarrant
Woodpeckers - Hard at work in the allotment , by Miss Tarrant
Woodpeckers - Writing stories about imaginary worlds , by Miss Tarrant
Woodpeckers - Hard work in the allotment! , by Mrs Parnell
Woodpeckers are growing tomatoes!, by Miss Tarrant