Wolves 11.10.21
Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 3:20pm
Welcome to week 6 and welcome to Luther.
Thank you for all your good wishes, I am not feeling too bad and am pleased to be able to see the children and do some teaching on Teams each day. It's going to be a long 10 days! I hope you and your families continue to stay well.
Learning behaviour: Improve
Reception vocabulary: fewer, heavy
Y1&2: partition, repentance
The timetable for the week is attached and all the lesson sildes and activities, in case your child is home learning at any point.
This week we will be continuing with our art work in the style of LS Lowry. In maths we will be starting to look at number bonds and number facts, and in writing we will be writing a poem together about fireworks. There will also be some Halloween activities available in Continuous Provision.
Reception chldren have all done their Baseline Assessments now.
Stay well
Mrs Rudge x