Wolves 1.11.21
Date: 29th Oct 2021 @ 9:19am
Welcome back to school, I hope you all had a lovely and healthy half term.
Learning Behaviour - Enjoy your learning
Vocabulary Y1&2: undo, material, fabric
This week I have attahced all of the learning in case your child is oisolating for any reason.
In writing we will be finishing our Fireworks poem and wriitng our own poem about birthdays, Halloween or Christmas. We will be using our IT skills from before half term to write up our poems on the computer for display.
In maths, we will be using number facts to solve problems and learning to add by counting on from the largest number.
In Science, we will be starting our topic on Materials and finding out what things are made out of. You could support this at home, by finding things made of fabric, paper, card, wood, brick, metal and plastic, and asking why has it been made from this.
Year 1 and 2 will have a phonic assessment this week on what they have learned last half term, and doing wordsearches of common exception words whlst they are waiitng for their assessment with me. Don't forget spelling test on Tuesday for them with the last list in your spelling book.
Reception have some Halloween activities for fine motor control if they are home learning and can practise their letters so far and counting.
It will be lovely to be back in school.
Mrs Rudge x