Copdock - Foxes 2024 - 2025

Mrs Windmill

Mrs Windmill

Mrs Windmill is Foxes class teacher and joined Copdock School in 2005. She started as a teaching assistant before completing her education degree and teacher training. She has taught in Woodpeckers class before returning to Foxes class. Mrs Windmill enjoys the challenge of teaching the older children.
She leads maths and PE across the federation, which keeps her very busy.

Welcome to life in Foxes Class.......

In Foxes' Class we get to celebrate being the oldest children in the school and readily take on the extra responsibilities and privileges that this brings. We take a great pride in the philosophy of work hard, play hard and quickly rise to the extra challenges that are set us.

We learn to become independent workers, planning how best to use our time and making careful choices about how we respond to some of our learning. We develop our team working skills and with guidance begin to look at what it takes to be a leader. We are encouraged to use our initiative and learn how to negotiate and collaborate.

We often have to persevere when things don't quite go to plan, sometimes reflecting on our learning journey and identifying what worked well and what could change for the better. Being flexible and adaptable are skills we know we will need in our later lives.

Files to Download

Copdock - Foxes: Blog items

Foxes 10.3.25, by Mrs Windmill

Cross Country, by Mrs Windmill

Foxes 3.3.25, by Mrs Windmill

Copdock - Foxes: Gallery items

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Copdock - Foxes: Calendar items

C - Sharing Assembly, by Mrs Usher

C - Foxes Dodgeball, by Mrs Usher

C - Red Nose Day, by Mrs Usher

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.