Wolves 18.10.21
Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 2:40pm
Welcome to the final week of learning and our Learning Behaviour is 'Try new things', which is fitting for a week of remote learning! Thank you for all the messages last week to see how I was, it was nice to hear the children missed me!
Your child will need to log on to the website and go to the discussion page set up for each day. Your child's login is written on the inside back cover of their reading diary. Verfication code for website is 130151
On this discussion you will find the Teams link for our meeting at 9:30am and use the same link at 2:30pm. If you are unable to join Teams at this point due to work please let me know, as we will be phoning any families who aren't on the link. You will need to add a photo of their learning on Tapestry for Reception and on the discussion page each day for Year 1 and 2.
There is a Reception timetable below to download and a separate Year 1 and 2 timetable. I will upload any worksheets each day - there will be a choice of sheets for Year 1&2 Maths, according to your child's ability. Please ask if you are unsure which one to print off.
I appreciate that some of you will be having to work too, and will not have as much time to support your child as other parents. We have to try and cater the timetable to suit lots of different circumstances. Reception parents: each activity is designed to last 20 minutes, but the most important activity on the timetable is the phonics. You will need to print the phoneme flashcards off or write them out in preparation and the tricky words. See the bottom of the timetable for advice on phonics. Year 1 and 2 parents - the maths and the phonics are the most important activities on the timetable. If you can do the Topic, that's great but do what you can.
Year 1 & 2: text, font, bold
Reception: large, pattern
I know the children have missed a week of spelling tests, so they will be tested the first Tuesday back on last week's words.
Wednesday is also the day the Reception photo will be in the Ipswich Star newspaper.
Friday is PD Day with no children in school.
In Maths we will be looking at number bonds and how to use the inverse addition fact to solve subtraction, relying on our part whole models. Each day there is a choice of an easier lesson and activity if you are home learning, so you will need to pitch at where your child is at.
In RE we will be assessing the children's learning at the end of their units.
In Topic we will be looking at word processing on the computer, how to log on, open Word, type and use the back space, return and space bar keys and how to do a capital letter.
During half term, there will be no words to learn to spell, but please continue with reading, as there will be a sticker available if your child reads 5 times during the holiday. Don't forget to visit the library or use the Curriculum Visions website for more reading material.
Wishing you all a healthy and relaxing half term.
Mrs Rudge x