Wolves 31.1.22
Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 5:18pm
Dear Parents,
Welcome to week 5 (already)!
Learning Behaviour: Have a go on your own, push yourself
Reception words: bottom, corner
Y1&2: affect, culture
Phonics sheets are below.
Maths: Telling the time, please practise o'clock and half past first, then quarter past and quarter to, before 5 minute intervals.
Friday is Number Day - please send in photos if you dressed up at home! I have attached a load of games and resources that you can try at home, pick and choose what you are interested in.
Writing: We are finding out about the biography of Florence Joyner, no one has earnt a brain sticker yet for finding out a fact about her at home! I have added the writing plan for those who are home learning this week and the fact cards for Monday so far.
Science: What do animals (and pets) need to stay alive?
RE: Ramadan
Wednesday: Birdwatch, please bring in binoculars and bird books to help us identify birds if you have them.
If your child is off, please refer to the timetable and sheets below, I have added a phonics sheet.
Lastly I have to say what a difficult decision it has been to apply for another job, because Bentley has such a lovely atmosphere that will be hard to recreate. I will miss the Bentley families so much and have absolutely loved my time here.
Time to make the most of the next 2 months!
Love Mrs Rudge x